
  1. Rob77

    Build Thread 75 gal DT Build

    75 gallon display 35 gallon eshopps sump...
  2. Isabella rubalcaba

    Build Thread Isabella's little ocean ^_^ 90 gal mixed

    Hey there ! You have stumbled upon my little-big reef tank !! Going to describe my setup & share some tips ALSO looking to get some thoughts/opinions/comments going ! Here it is ! Will post some pics soon. Also, i do run a SUMPLESS system ! I know the drawbacks of going sumpless, but i cant...
  3. Isabella rubalcaba

    New to the forum !!!

    Hello all !!! Girl reefer trying to help out others & learn as much as i can off the hobby !!! Currently running a 90 gallon mixed reef & a smaller 30 gallon is on its way !!! What kind of system do you have !? Will post pics of my reef soon !
  4. Joshua Huff

    Problem with Crabs?

    I am not sure if i have a problem yet or not but I was watching my emerald crab really go to town on my birds nest last night. I watched him pinch at the coral a lot then move one, and later he came back! I used a plastic arm to push him away the second time. I am sure he came back later in the...
  5. I

    Help with getting a tank going

    So here is the general issue. This is not my tank. I'm a diy guy when it comes to my tanks I just build what I need. The tank I'm currently stuck on unfortunately is not mine its my uncles. The tank is 48×12×24 looking for suggestions for a wave make or powerhead setup and a light fixture to...
  6. Hugo Garcia

    New to all this.

    Hey guys, how is it going? This is my first time at reef2reef, and my first attempt at a saltwater tank. I've had a freshwater tank with goldfish for about a year now, and decided to take the leap and start a saltwater tank as well. So what I'm paling to have is a 20 Gallon tank with 2 clownfish...
  7. Keeks09

    Polyp question, new to hobby

    I purchased this from a live rock container and when i turned by blue light on it had a glow, can this still be alive???
  8. Reckotch

    Outsmarting bullies in order to introduce new fish

    Small backstory and description of inhabitants: I have a ~50 gallon reef, no sump, that has been running for about 4 years. I started up with 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 ecsenius bicolor and 1 stenopus hispidus shrimp. All of these 4 learned to live together and were the only ones lasting; the...

    50 gal acrylic tank (niw), wet/dry, nano chiller, protein skimmer

    New still in wrap 50 gal acrylic aquarium, manufacturer: Clear for Life 36"L x 15"W x 20"H $200 Wet/dry filter, used less than 3 months then put in storage, has internal overflow box (via suction cups), hang on filter box with siphon tube and pre filter, bio media, ect. 24"L x 8"W x 14"H...
  10. MrReefBuster

    Build Thread 40 Breeder Reef

    Hey guys, here's my first post. I Have a 40 Breeder softie reef. I my channel in YouTube where I'm documenting my progression. Here's the link: