reef roids

  1. jtlong

    Reef roid feeding, what the heck is this?!

    Does my hammer like the roids?! What is this?! I direct fed with a syringe with the pump off. Most of these guys closed up, Duncan seemed to let off some of this and my Acan did too (finicky guy). Are the roid raging or what?! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  2. J

    Should I shut off my canister filter when feeding my coral?

    I’m a year into reefing and really want to know if it’s better to shut my whole canister filter completely off when feeding my corals. I just got this canister filter (CF500 UV MKII) for my 55 gallon reef tank, I’ve previously had two tidal 110’s on my tank and then recently transferred all the...
  3. kwirky

    Add phosphate with doser then remove it with gfo reactor on timer?

    Is it possible to dose phosphate during the optimal period of the daily photo cycle, based on the best time corals are known to absorb phosphate from the water? Then to keep it from climbing, and reduce the time spent monitoring, remove the phosphate daily, with a GFO reactor on a timer, running...

    Alternating Coral growth foods

    I have a 20gal reef tank that's doing quite well after I started adding foods to them. I was just curious if anyone has tried alternating foods? For instance every Friday I feed my fish with Mysis, then I add polyp booster/Reef Roids which I highly recommend and then I do my water...
  5. at11ok

    Results of Reef Roids?

    So i just got reef roids and spot fed them for the first time. Im wondering if anyone can tell me their experiences with reef roids? best techiques to reef them? how long until you saw results? if there are any negative results? Anyone willing to show before and afters?
  6. FindingCoral

    Spot Feeding Zooplankton

    I spot feed my corals Reef Roids and Zooplankton twice a week. I alternate weeks in feedings. Is this too much? I feel like broadcast feeding doesn’t really do much but maybe it’s just me.
  7. ClownFish664

    uldcoral feeding

    Hi all, Currently using AB+ but because the corals don't feed everyday I'm kind of just adding waste to the System, what's everyone's take on using Tropic marin Amino-Organic for aminos and reef-roids for food every so often that way I am not feeding everyday as i dont see my corals really feed...
  8. X

    Creepy leptastrea feeding response!

    I have never seen it do this after a feeding before, its almost creepy to look at!
  9. T

    Best supplemental feeding products?

    I currently use 0.25ml of Julian sprungs marine snow once every two weeks and 1/8 of a 1/4 teaspoon of reef roids every week in my 15 gal, I’ve noticed many experienced reefers use phyto plankton specifically as this feeds zooplankton which in turn feed coral and copepods. Would I benefit from...
  10. Sick_man

    Low nutrient coral food?

    Hi, I've been feeding my acan because it gets so puffy and I want it to keep its color since its new. I use reef roids but I want to switch to something lower in phosphate. I noticed after I feed there is some algae growth and I need to control it. Any coral food suggestions?
  11. S

    Difference between Reef roids and AF Vitality + Amino aids

    Hello Everyone, I recently started keeping corals including Frogspawn, GSP, Zoas and Neon toadstool. Tank size is 10 gallon and coral only at the moment I want to know what should I be feeding them. I already have Reef Roids and Aquaforest Vitality and Amino. Are they both coral foods or...
  12. TangAddict

    Is feeding your coral worth it?

    So I have a 140 gallon tank and every Wednesday I feed my coral reef Roids. But lately I haven’t been feeding them, and have noticed tremendous growth. So do you think feeding coral really works?
  13. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Dog ate Reef Roids - cause for concern?

    Apologies to admin if this is the wrong thread. Apparently my dog decided to misbehave today and bust open the Amazon box that contained my reef roids in it. I came home to find the whole container cleaned out. Do I need to start calling up my vet? The container says the only ingredients are...
  14. imanewberry

    Struggling Tri Color Goniastrea with something sticking out of its mouth. Help?

    This Tri Color (or no color right now) Goniastrea was the first coral I put in my tank about a month ago. I’ve posted pics of when I first got it and a pic from just a few moments ago (immediately AFTER spot feeding a few corals reef roids). It has lost all color and has stopped showing its...
  15. Enchanted Reefs

    This is my youtube video of me feeding my corals. What do you all think? :)

  16. JMarsh

    Food coming back out of acan mouth?

    This may be normal, but it's the first time I've seen it. It looks like some Reef Roids was coming back out (last feeding was 8hrs prior). The suspected food has been taken in and protruded once again after the photo was taken. Can anyone confirm my suspicion and if this is normal behavior? Thanks!
  17. landlocked303

    When do you feed coral?

    I have recently started using Red Sea's Reef energy and Reef-Roids. What time of the day does everyone feed and how often? Target feeding?
  18. potatocouch

    Pick your 3 products to feed your corals

    We all know folks have their own recipe when it comes to feeding their corals (be that softies, LPS, SPS or NPS). What I'm interested in finding out is what do you use to feed your corals? If you can choose only max 3, what will you go for? Use the vote button please.
  19. potatocouch

    Is Reef Roids = Amino Acids?

    Is it sufficient to feed ULNS (w/ SPS, LPS, Morphs) with Reef Roids only? #reefsquad #LPSexperts #SPSexperts And being known to be lazy, is it acceptable to just broadcast the food with the wavemakers, return and skimmer on? #lazy
  20. MarineDepot

    Rare 20% off Polyp Labs Sale

    Rare 20% off Polyp Labs Sale Black Friday Daily Deals! TODAY: 20% off Polyp Lab! Polyp Lab Polyp Booster - Product Highlights