
  1. Christopher Davis

    Really thinking about adding a queen angel to my sps tank...

    Have any of you guys had success with a queen in a reef before? I think they are absolutely stunning. And I don’t much care for my LPS coral much anymore anyhow. Would a queen devistate my reef?! Much research to do just want to hear some opinions, I’m finally to the point where I want...
  2. Acro76

    SPS update @ Cherry Corals!

    Find em here: https://www.cherrycorals.com/product-category/sps/acropora-frags/
  3. Acro76

    Sticks and Shrooms!

    All are WYSIWYG and available here: https://www.cherrycorals.com/
  4. oscar ortiz

    Coral bleaching/dying?

    Got some sps corals last night and placed them in the tank with some reef glue and one of them was already a little white at the base but this morning they all looked alot whiter, not sure what it could be because i have a other sps next to it like raptors claw and birdsnest and they look...
  5. Acro76

    Psssst... Hey Stickheads!

    Update @ Cherry Corals! https://www.cherrycorals.com/product-category/sps/acropora-frags/
  6. K

    Let's See Your SPS Tank!

    Hey everyone, Let's see your FTS of your SPS tank! It doesn't matter wether your tanks new, old, big or small... let's see them all :)
  7. Christopher Davis

    Rainbow millepora?!

    Hello reef2reef members! Saturday I am picking up what is supposed to be a rainbow millepora! This is my first time trying this coral as I am putting it under a kessil tuna blue a 160, in my cube build. I am getting it from a local guy off of Craigslist. Can you help me out by identifying that...
  8. Acro76

    Cherry Corals SPS Update!

    Lots of nice frags on the site, with more to come soon! https://www.cherrycorals.com/product-category/sps/acropora-frags/