
  1. killergoby

    AEFW or Acro-Eating Starfish?

    About 1 month ago, I noticed that a colony of Ponape Rainbow that I had been nursing back to health due to a shipping issue and a JF Fox Flame, both next to each other on the frag rack, looked to be in poor condition. The Ponape Rainbow had lost a lot of tissue around the base following 3.5 days...
  2. F

    Asterina starfish

    I have encountered a asterina starfish as a hitchhiker, should I put it in the tank or get ride of it? I’ve seen some keep and some get ride but not 100% what to do.
  3. Trinh Fish & Corals

    Red Serpent Starfish (Bahamas) $120 Free Shipping

    I have 2 Red Serpent Starfish from the Bahamas available. They are $120 Free UPS Next Day Air Shipping. Very peaceful, great scavengers & reef safe. Pretty hard to come across.
  4. vaguelyreeflike

    Chocolate Chip Stars compatibility with other stars?

    I know chocolate chips will prey on other stars but does that include every star? We have a chocolate chip tank at work and then a reef safe star tank for the linckias, was hoping I wouldn’t have to spare another tank for something like red knobs
  5. G

    Starfish not able to eat

    I’m trying to feed my chocolate chip starfish but the grouper keeps stealing all the food before the starfish can get it any ideas how I can get him to stop stealing it
  6. M

    Odd Activity - Sand Sifting Starfish

    Hi guys, I have a 32 gal tank that has been up and running for about 4 months now (3 months cycled). I added a sand sifting starfish to the tank earlier this week and quickly noticed that he spends the majority of his time at the water surface (refer to pics). Occasionally he will drop off into...
  7. R

    Star shaped orange dots

    Hello guys, I noticed some small orange dots on my rock. It’s extremely small ( portion of a breadcrum) and it moves, I notice it on different spots every night ( I only see it in the evening due to my light cycle, as you can really only notice it under a fully blue light due to fluorescence)...
  8. Ariahsart

    Chocolate Chip Starfish and Coral

    Hello I am new to this forum, I'm not exactly new to the hobby (almost a year in) but am when it comes to corals. I was convinced to get some coral however I have two chocolate Chip Starfish. My first basically lives on my filter or the glass and never touches the ground, and my new one...
  9. ScubaFish802

    What type of starfish?

  10. J

    Saltwater fishes for sale before i part out tank

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Saltwater fishes. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  11. Saskdevil

    Did this starfish kill my Brain coral during shipping?

    I live in Northern Canada and the nearest Saltwater store is about 7 hours away, so everything we have gets shipped. We cross our fingers and pray things survive shipping. That being said mostly everything usually does survive. Almost all shipments take 3 days to get here with FedEx priority...
  12. Corn674

    Texas WTB (Wtb) micro brittle stars texas

    Looking for some micro stars in lubbock tx, would also be willing to pay shipping for some just ket me know
  13. starfire2116

    old starfish, or new Hitchhiker?

    I had a Sandshifter starfish about 5 or 6 months ago, and I thought it died. but now I find this. Or is the a hitchhiker? it just sits on the rocks. then disappears a day later just to show up again, some days later. I see it mostly at night. about an hr. before the light goes out. The colors...
  14. Cantusaurus

    Is a sand sifting star worth it?

    I'm considering getting a sand sifting star, because of their ability to CLEAN the sand. I need something to actually clean, and not stir like the nassarius snails do. I have a good amount of Nassarius snails, and I hate that the sand has detritus and stuff in it, and I don't want anything...
  15. J

    Fromia starfish tissue expelling?

    Hello, I've had a fromia starfish for a few days now. Today I noticed some tissue coming out of one of the legs. The first couple days it was moving around and up on the glass, but this afternoon it was down kind of slumped down on the sand and glass. I drip acclimated it on Saturday (so 6...
  16. ajtomase

    Urchin, starfish, or both in same tank?

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?
  17. ajtomase

    Starfish, urchin, or both in tank

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?
  18. MrMreef

    Snail with red shell?

    Hey guys - rescued some dip casualties and were wondering what the survivors are…
  19. Ariana R.

    Starfish injury

    My dad has this starfish in his tank for about 4 months now, but lately when I’ve visited one of the legs of the starfish seems to be deteriorating. On my most recent visit, the leg that was originally effected looks much shorter and now the same thing is happening to another leg. My dad had...
  20. Bankertanker


    Does anyone know what this is? It's moving around the tank so it's definitely alive
  21. Alaeriel

    Asterina and Macroalgae?

    I've set up a nano macro tank to grow out some algae for the 200 gallon tank. We picked up some true live rock and it came with this little guy. Looks like an asterina to me. I've seen anecdotes of some specimens munching on corals, but very few reports about their interactions with macro. He's...
  22. marxman

    Sand Sifting Star & Corals

    Hi Everyone, I am thinking of adding a sand sifting star to my tank, but had a question before I do. I have 3 lobophyllia and 1 trachyphillia of good size on my sand bed. They are doing well and so I am assuming that their placement is correct. Will a sand sifting star have any effect on...
  23. shanzfish

    Survived the dip??

    Hi everyone, I just finished dipping and acclimating my new corals that shipped in. A couple hours later I was admiring them as they all opened up and saw this tiny starfish hanging on for dear life as my power heads blow him about lol should I keep him? Or is it a bad hitchhiker. I don’t know...
  24. Jarbour14

    Cleanup Crew General Questions, I'd love any feedback

    Hows it going everyone, I just had some questions about potential additions to my 75 gallon reef tank. I have a lot of rock with arches and plenty of caves etc. I currently have the following in my tank in terms of inverts and cleaners 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 10 nassarius snails 10 turbo snails...
  25. M

    Blue linckia brown discharge

    We got this guy a couple days ago, and noticed him like this this morning. Parameters are good, and we slow dripped to acclimate. Just seeing if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice. Thank you all for your assistance