yellow tang

  1. Katepete722

    Well there’s a first for everything... tang glued her mouth shut

    So yesterday after feeding a mysis cube, I noted my yellow tang had a white, shrimp shaped something sticking out of her mouth. I assumed she had grabbed an overly large chunk o shrimp and it had gotten lodged. I made a few attempts to catch her yesterday unsuccessfully. This morning I noted the...
  2. CelestialCorals

    What’s is on my Yellow Tang?

    I’ve had my tang for 3 weeks now & it’s been fine. It’s still swimming fine, eating good, not acting unusual at all. I’m feeding it seaweed with garlic & he has a great appetite as you can see in the video. I’m suspecting this to be ich but all my other fish look fine & don’t have anything...
  3. livcooley123

    Coral beauty with ich?

    Hi all, I’m in need of some advice. I’ve been in the hobby for only a few months now and I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with two clowns, a damsel, a cardinal, and a coral beauty. Everyone in the tank has been happy and healthy so far (knock on wood). The only major issue I had prior to...
  4. livcooley123

    Advice re: coral beauty in qt

    Hi all, I’m in need of some advice. I’ve been in the hobby for only a few months now and I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with two clowns, a damsel, a cardinal, and a coral beauty. Everyone in the tank has been happy and healthy so far (knock on wood). The only major issue I had prior to these...
  5. larsccameron

    Yellow Tang laying against back of glass and on Sand

    So my yellow tang has been eating fine for a while now and all of a sudden last night he was in between the rock hiding and now today he has been laying down against the back of the tank and in the sand and will swim straight against the glass. He has been eating green algae brine shrimp and has...
  6. 4theluvofcoral

    California WTB Purple Tang, Blue Tang, Yellow Tang Coral Colonies (If anyone is breaking down tank(s)-looking for full colonies)

    My boyfriend and I have a 125 gallon reef tank we are looking to fill out. We are located in the San Bernardino area but willing to travel for those that have what we're looking for. We are interested in adding bigger, whole coral colonies to help fill it out like Montis or Acros but will...
  7. Aubrie93

    Yellow tang died in qt

    My boyfriend and I just bought a yellow tang 2 days ago(Sunday). We put it in our qt tank to watch for a couple weeks before moving to our main display. Perameters: 30g tank running for about 2 months now with previously housing some fish from our main display, temp 80F, salinity 1.025, ammonia...
  8. R

    Yellow tang skin

    Good morning, I just started with my very first saltwater tank about 1 and half month ago. I just bought a yellow tang from a local store last Friday but I have been noticing that he is acting different. He started hiding behind the rocks and eventually was constantly in one of the tank’s upper...
  9. lilithereefer

    can it work?

    hi i am new to reefing and i am planning on getting a 55 gallon reef tank. i am wanting to get the smallest option for a blue tang on reef beauties and also a yellow tang but i dont know if it will fit. can somebody help?
  10. B

    Yellow tang up in flames

    My yellow tang developed whatever this is almost overnight. Woke up to it laying on the bottom and died shortly after. Anyone know what the disease that caused this is? And if i have to quarantine my other fish now. My water parameters are all optimal i test every single day.
  11. D

    EMERGENCY Yellow Tang Black Patches

    My Yellow tang is rubbing against the sand and She also have black patches on her both side.
  12. B

    RBTA Stung my Yellow Tang, need advice!

    So i Just added my new yellow tang ( 2 3/4 inch ) to my tank. He had just finished my QT process. As soon as I added him to the tank after acclimating, he darted to a corner of a tank, then as he left the cave, he accidentally bumped into my RBTA. He was stung and immediately swam away. He has...
  13. ConorE

    EMERGENCY Yellow tang in QT developed marks on face

    Hi guys, As above my YT is in QT and has been now for about a week due to ich. I have been treating with Cupramine and the final day will be next Friday (I was trying polyplab medic previously which didnt work). He has recently lost his appetite,still eating bits but not as greedy as he used...
  14. shawnriv

    Thin Yellow Tang (Video)

    Hello All - About a year ago I had to move out of my home and put my 90G in storage. In the meantime, I set up a holding tank for my yellow tang and corals. The yellow tang has never really been on the fat, heavy side but always ate anything I put in the tank. The tang is not large and has been...
  15. KM Wrasse

    Yellow tang no fins

    I have a 93 gallon mixed reef that’s been set up for about 2 years. Everything is doing great except for my yellow tang. I bought him about 1 1/2 years ago when he was about the size of a half dollar. Soon after I purchased him his dorsal and anal fin began to recede evenly.. and now it has...
  16. Ajrivera

    2 yellow tangs 1 purple tang

    So I just bought one purple tang. I know very exciting! I also purchased a yellow tang as well. My dream was to have 2 yellow tangs. However the woman at the store told me I had to have at least 3 yellow tangs. So they wouldn’t fight. Was she right? I really wanted two yellow tangs.. does any...
  17. Zachvet

    Tomini / Kole / Yellow Tangs

    Hey folks, Want to get your opinion on tang compatibility. I am upgrading from a 75 display to a 125, 6ft display (the tanks coming tomorrow and ill start my build right away). I currently have a Tomini and a pair of clowns - my motivation behind the 6ft tank was to get my tomini the space he...
  18. RJinPV

    Yellow Tang Is Sick. Any advice?

    My yellow tang, that I have had for about 4 years now, is in distress. Red patches appeared on it back in December so I treated it with Seachem Metroplex for about 2-3 weeks and things cleared up. Last week I ran carbon and did a water change thinking it was cured. Today the red patches...
  19. M

    Yellow tang side discoloration

    Hi guys Looking for some input on what the white scuffs/discoloration on my yellow tang could be. I attached some pics below, it's only on one side right at the lateral line and a smaller discoloration half inch below the lateral line that can't be seen clearly on the pictures. This little guy...
  20. M

    4 vs 3 feet long 75 gallon tank

    Hi guys I thought I would ask the nice people from R2R before pulling the trigger on this one, I'm probably blinded by how nice the new tank looks. I got a nice chance to swap my 4 feet 75g by a 3 feet 75 gallon, and the reason why I'm considering that is because I dislike my current sump setup...
  21. M

    Help deciding if someone's got to go

    Hi guys - it's been a while a don't post here. Just got rid of a bad algae breakout and regained my love and faith on the hobby! I got a 75g with 30g sump going for about a year now, and haven't done much to it other than cleaning and regular maintenance. Today I found myself staring at the...
  22. Scrappy RN

    Tennessee Clown pair and Yellow Tang need a home near Knoxville, TN!

    I am sadly having to dismantle my system. I have a mated clown pair and a yellow tang for sale. All three are around 1.5 years old. They eat flakes, pellets, fresh and frozen food very well. Asking $35 for the clown pair and $25 for the tang. Paypal accepted or cash. Must pick up locally in...
  23. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  24. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  25. Yellow Tang & Ultra Blue T Max

    Yellow Tang & Ultra Blue T Max
