Cant control phosphate.


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Jun 23, 2014
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I have a successful 120 gallon system that is way overstocked with fish, LPS and other softies. My PO is a constant 1.0, nitrate between 25-40 and I run a skimmer, GFO 24/7, as well as PhosGuard and carbon and I have a Tunze macro-algae reactor. It is a heavily rocked tank-all purchased as live- and the rock is 25-35 years old. I don't like my PO being that high but over the years, the rock absorbed it and it is my hope that one day, it will drop, tho I feed very heavily, so perhaps not. I was in the aquatic industry for a number of years and have experimented with LAN but was not pleased with it and never again. My main regret, is that I do not have much coralline algae and of course, this is due to high PO.