I have a fairly new mixed reef with only 3 fish and some CUC, my combtooth blenny has been flashing for about a week, previously he was swimming around all over the tank and now won't eat and is always hiding. He was in observation for about week before adding to the display tank, did a FW dip twice and nothing came off. Everyone else in the tank looks to be doing great, and my corrals and growing like crazy. I tried to catch when I was noticing (still am trying) but it seems almost impossible due to my rock work, a bubble trap I'm guessing won't work either since it's not drawn to food. I'm thinking he's almost on his last breath since no food for a week and his underside looks shriveled and looks pretty bad... Any suggestions are appreciated, except tearing my rock work apart... I have tough skin so you don't have to be nice, just be helpful...please...