So I've been going crazy with the subject of flow. On my 75 gallon after a year I finally found the sweet spots and my coral where doing great. On this 180g. I'm losing my mind. I'm constantly changing where they are located. I bought a bigger power head thinking it's what the tank needed because it's so long and big. But my corals are not liking it. They all retracted . At first I thought it was my chemistry or water perimeters. But everything is pretty stable. I'm doing testing and will post perimeters here shortly. My question for any one with input that can chime in. On a larger tank is it still the same principles one in the top left corner one on the opposite end halfway down. I started this way and noticed I didn't have enough flow the corals weren't moving so I adjusted it and moved them around. I've moved these power heads about 50 times now and I'm having no luck. I'm afraid I'm going to kill my corals and I do not want to do that I'm at my Wit's end and begging anyone for some input