Greeting from Indonesia - adywismareef - mostly SPS coral with some fish


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Nov 5, 2019
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Hi Guys
Greeting from Indonesia.

I sign up to R2R around few years back, but mostly just became passive member.
I believe this is my first thread at R2R, CMIIW.
English aren't my primary language, so im sorry if my english not so good.

Im learning this hobby mostly from browsing here and there, asking personally here and there,
Finally i choose to learn from one Indonesian Veteran Reefer, which have beautifull SPS tanks for many years.
His IG : angryfish_katrok_reefer

Im usually post some update at some Facebook Reef Group and also update to my reef Instagram.
This is my IG : adywismareef
Appreciate if you follow it.

This is my tank information.

MT size : 120x60x60 (cm)
Sump size : 100x40x40 (cm)
QT for fish size : 40x40x50 (cm) - 2 pcs - usually i go 3 weeks using copper & 1 week using prazi - now its at dry condition.
No QT for Coral. Only use coral dip.

The tank system started around Feb 2019.
Scaping at MT using dead rock.
Cycling the water for around 5-6 months. Add shrimp for amonia source. Dose bactery source daily, in small amount.
Last time i put/add new fish-coral-invert, around 2021.

Fish :
Angelfish [Large] - Bellus Female (since 2020)
Angelfish [Large] - Swallow Female (since 2020)
Angelfish [Dwarf] - Coral Beauty (since 2020)
Angelfish [Dwarf] - Pygmy Yellowtail (since 2020)
Tang - Convict (since 2020)
Tang - Mutiara (since 2021)
Hogfish - Lyretail (since 2021)
Wrasse - Six Line (since 2019)
Angelfish [Dwarf] - Bicolor (die)
Butterflyfish - Copperbang (die)
Dottyback - Bicolor (die)

Invert :
Snail - Banded Trochus (not sure how many pcs left now) - since 2020/2021
Snail - Cats Eye Turbo - 1 pcs - since 2020
Urchin - Banded Longspine - 1 pcs - since 2021
Urchin - Black Longspine - 2 pcs - since 2021
Urchin - Red Tuxedo - 3 pcs - since 2021

Coral :
SPS (around 21 type/species/i'm not sure how to spell it, sorry...) - since Aug/Sep 2021
Soft Coral - Green Star Polyp (GSP) - since Sep 2021
Soft Coral - Brown Star Polyp (GSP) - since Sep 2021

Dossing :
Calcium - DIY - dose hourly
Karbonate Hardness - DIY - dose hourly by dossing pump
Magnesium - DIY - dose hourly by dossing pump
Amino Acid + Carbon Source - Not DIY - dose daily by dossing pump
Trace Element - Not DIY - dose daily by dossing pump
Iron - Not DIY - dose weekly by manually
Boron - Not DIY - dose weekly by manually
Iodium - Not DIY - dose weekly by manually
Strontium - Not DIY - dose weekly by manually
Potassium - Not DIY - dose weekly by manually

Equipment :
Return pump - 1 pcs
Wavemaker - 4 pcs
Light - Led - 6 pcs
Light - T5HO - 4 bulb
Filtration - Skimmer - 2 pcs
Filtration - Filter Sock 7" - 2 pcs
Chiller - 1 pcs
Dossing pump - 5 pump - 1 pcs
Magnetic Glass Cleaner - 2 pcs
Smart Plug - 6pcs
Smart Fish Food Feeder - 1 pcs
Fish Food Ring - 1 pcs

Routine :
No Water Change
Check Ca, Kh, Mg, Salinity, Ph - each week at nearly same hour
Check No3, Po4, K - i didnt check it anymore for few months now
Syphon Detrius at MT - each 1 week / each 2 weeks
Syphon Detrius at Sump - each 1 month
Refill Liquid Dosing - when the liquid bottle nearly empty
Replace Calgon Carbon Media & GFO - each 2 weeks
Replace Filter Sock - each week
Clean Up Skimmer Cup - each 2 weeks
Clean Up Wavemaker - each month
Clean Up Skimmer Pump - each 2 months
Clean Up Return Pump - each 4 months
Clean Up Led Fan - each 4 months
Clean Up MT Glass - everyday, around 2-3 mins

My Target for this hobby :
Can keep the same stock of Living Creature (Coral, Fish, Invert) for few/many years.
Can growth SPS. if the SPS have beautifull colour, then its a bonus.
Put/glue the SPS to the scaping rock, and lets its grow at that same spot/place.
Using electricity equipment which using DC power source.
Select & Using Reefing Method / Reefing System which only need less effort for me (less maintenance time, dossing product with good quality but cheaper price, DC equipment with cheap price but have good performace & durability, and so on..).
Take picture each month, and make before-after picture.

Picture from 2019 :
this is when i start nitrogen cycling process.


Picture before-after, from Sept 2021 & from June 2022 :
The SPS where added at the end of Aug 2021 and Sep 2021.




Thank you so much for your time to reading this thread/post.
Appreciate it..