How to - Entry to the private Masov section


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May 27, 2013
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Victoria, Australia
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Hi everyone

If you have just joined Masov or it's your first foray on to R2R, this is a a quick guide that mdbannister put together. Just follow the steps & once it has been approved, you will then be able to find the link to the Masov private section. Any problems just reply below with any questions :)

1) Scroll up to find your username and scroll over that to cause the menu to drop down (see screenshot):

join request.png

2) Select "Join User Group" in the right column of options which will bring you to a list of joinable user groups.

3) Find your reef club's private group (MASOV Members) in the list and click on "join user group"

4) Once clicking on the link, you will see a dialogue box asking for a "Request Reason." This will be a message explaining why you are asking to be part of the club. So type an answer and click the "join user group" button.

club forum pm 2.png

That should do it!

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