My first build 10g nano


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As promised I am putting together a thread for my 10g aqueon build. Got the idea from a build on YouTube by inappropriatereefer. I will do a separate thread for my smaller 6g later as it’s kinda my experimental tank right now.

Apologies for the crumby photos I use an ancient phone for now. But getting to it;

The tank:
-10 gallon aqueon plasti-dipped on 2 sides.

Current Parameters
-Salinity: 1.023-1.024sg
-PH: 8
-Ammonia: 0ish-.2ppm (will explain)
-Nitrite: 0.5ppm
-Nitrate: 20-50ppm
-Alkalinity: 7.5 dkh

this is all I have kits for presently.

Test kits
-BRS LED refractometer
-RedSea basic starter set

-Reefbreeders exo (hoping my light does not interfere with it because I’m a fan of optical sensors, but I have a prism unit sitting around as a back up)
-small Betta transport I drilled a few holes into.(my next upgrade will be a larger resevoir I think)

Salt mix
Tropic Marin SynBiotic
Aaaaand whatever my LFS puts in their “premium” SW mix. (Also why salinity and alkalinity so low, I presume)

-Aquaclear 70 with InTank acrylic media basket
-stage 1: filter floss(green stuff can’t remember it’s exact specs)
-stage 2: small amount of sand with marine pure bio balls. Fit roughly 6 or 7
-stage 3: stuffed with bio balls and another piece of floss. (will be a mini refugium running chaetomorpha which is in my 6g being quarantined for now)
-1.5-2” sand-bed carribsea Bahamas Oolite
-Not nearly enough dry rock, but I think it ended up with about 8-10lbs of the 20 I purchased.

-Inkbird itc-306a temp controller
-BRS 100Watt

Additional power head
-Jeboa Sow3 w/controller(was not used in YouTube build, but I was considering going for sps domination for this little thing. So wanted option of more flow)

Lighting (still in blackout period)
-Reefbreeders nano led (which appears to be identical to a spectra 36w aqua knight v2, I believe reefbreeders acquired this design at some point, saw good things about the spectra though it was certainly cheaper than the reef breeder model.figured I’d give it a shot)
-acke 12w grow light(not actually attached to this tank yet.

Additives (all from brightwell aquatics currently)
-microbacter fastartm: (just under 1/2 cap daily)
-microbacter 7(now dosing once per week ~16 drops mixed with 250mL of tank water)
-chaetogro (just began light dosing a few days ago)

-2 juvenile clowns who will be moving up to a new aquarium shortly.
-Soon to introduce chaetomorpha in the filter compartment.

The tank has been running about 5 1/2 weeks, unfortunately it has not been the best intro to the hobby. But I’ve persisted through some early downs and am hoping that the worst is behind me.

I went to the LFS to pick up my first batch of RO to mix as I did not want to invest in an RO unit at the time. I wanted water, and microbacter 7. Through a bit of miscommunication ended up bottling their premixed saltwater and decided to use it, I also left with microbacter 7 and a fancy smancy gold nugget maroon clown.

They knew the tank was brand new, and advised me to use a fish to cycle, I had read that this was an old school mentality, but they seemed thoroughly confused by my choice to cycle without a fish. (Actually both of my LFS’s did)

So the race began, to get home and setup a tank before my fish died in his bag, I was successful…I thought. I added the bacteria with the fish as instructed, but I dosed for 10 gallons. As there are not 10 gallons of water in a 10 gallon aquarium (more like 8 in mine) it created a bacterial bloom in the tank which devoured all the oxygen and the little nugget did not survive.

So I sulked a day or 2 while trying to figure out what happened. Once I discovered the issue was overdosing I got another fish as “you must have an ammonia source” I was told.

This time I went cheap as I was nervous. The clown I named Sanka, (cool runnings lol) and she luckily survived the cycle. Though, the longer I observed, the worse I felt for the fish being bathed in toxins. And my ammonia was higher than my kit could even read I believe.

reviewing microbacter 7 on brightwells website I learned about fastartm, which was designed to work in conjunction with microbacter 7 for cycling tanks (was not at either LFS)

Each night I tested, each night nitrites and ammonia were off the charts. I was reading basically nothing on nitrates. My fish was obviously stressed and would barely eat. Started dosing fastartm end of week 2 probably.

Finally in week 3 my alert badge was yellow and my ammonia and nitrates seemingly vanished overnight. I was stoked, and the change in my clowns behavior was unmistakeable.

She barely ate though I bought 5 types of food, 3 different frozens, a can of flakes and pellets. Suddenly she was just devouring anything that hit the water. And has since.

A few days with no ammonia I did my first 50% water change, attempting to reduce my nitrates, and this is where I think I messed up.

Turns out while I was working, my aquaclear 70 was less than half full of water, leaving all of my bio balls exposed.

After that water change, I seem to have some ammonia present in my tank again. It’s low, around .2mg/L and pretty consistent, and some days my readings are back to 0. But I fear I killed off some of my bacteria in the process.

I added the second clown even knowing there was a minute amount of ammonia. But I had too, I saw sanka my solo clown trying to feed its reflection a couple times. Maybe not what I really saw, but it had a pellet in its mouth and kept trying to let it go in front of its reflection and made me think she was lonely, so I did some research on pairing and brought in another clown who’s name is calcifer.

Where I am now is trying to wait out this little ammonia spike, feeling bad, but not as bad as I did before. And I am doing small water changes trying to up my salinity with my tropic Marin salt mix.

Though I did add a second fish, I will never cycle with a fish again. The change in behavior from the day the ammonia dissipated just broke my heart.

I am just trying to be patient and get my basic feeding, testing, and water change schedules down pat before I start adding any coral, also I want my salinity up as I’m worried adjusting with them in place is a mistake.

Hope I didn’t ramble so much they delete my account, but as always I guess I’ll just sail away.

Happy Reefing!

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Hows the tank doing?
Well, I wish I could say it was my pride and joy haha. Alas, I have encountered some issues. I got a little bummed about it for a while but kept up with water changes so things survived. But I would not exactly call it thriving.

inside originally it stocked only 2 clownfish, as for inverts I had, 2 banded trochus snails 5 nassarius snails and a scarlet cleaner shrimp. 2 rock flower anemones, 1 multihead duncan, 1 leptospirosis frag, single head trumpet coral and a frag of cyphastrea. Oh and an acro frag that bleached pretty quickly because the tank was too young.

I have not seen more than one nassarius snail at a time in the last month. One of the trochus died last week the other seems to be struggling. One of my anemones managed to get dislodged and wound up resting on the shroud of the power head (which my silly self never covered) it lived, but has receded into a rock.

all but one coral survives and actually look healthier than when they went in. The cyphastrea stripped when I moved it up on the scape. so it went into a new 20 gallon qt that I set up to see if the tank was ready for coral and that day I left the crappy light on full blast and I think I fried it.

the fish have been removed and have been in quarantine for months due to flukes and ich, though they just completed a round of tank transfers and 3 weeks after no signs of ich. So they may go back in soon, though I am upgrading the setup to a 40 gallon tall. The equipment I chose could easily have powered a larger tank.

the tank itself became an algae trap and to this day I’m battling this thick green hair algae. I think I’m still feeling the effects of my daughter dumping a handful of pellets in that I wasnt able to remove very well. I do about 20% weekly water changes. The corals have improved in health in the tank, but no growth to speak of. My refugium mod worked great until the green algae got in and started growing in the filter. After cleaning that out 2 or 3 times I shut the refugium down.

This coral not growing could be because I have not added anything to up the nutrient levels and I went with the wrong salt and haven’t bothered to change it. I use tropic Marin symbiotic or whatever. Which is fantastic for what it’s for, but its calcium content is a bit lower. Always meant to start dosing but never got around.

so all in all, my corals survived long enough for my interest to be reignited a few times. Currently I’m building the 40 gallon and have a 120 in the garage waiting for some love.

So I’m still hooked


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Sounds like an adventure over there! It will get there. I also enjoy your rock working skills, very nice! I am also in the process of starting my own little 5 gallon reef. Not my first adventure but my first one in over a decade. I will be following
along your adventure if you don’t mind.

WHITE BUCKET CHALLENGE : How CLEAR do you think your water is in your reef aquarium? Show us your water!

  • Crystal Clear

    Votes: 30 36.1%
  • Mostly clear with a tint of yellow

    Votes: 47 56.6%
  • More yellow than clear

    Votes: 5 6.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 1 1.2%