Not off to a great start

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2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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Manual test shows around 8.2 dKh (RedSea Pro)
KH director shows 10.8
and Reefbot lab using the same reagent that showed 8.2 above... shows "date error"

60ml vials with long side out are hard to get into place but also it appears that they will interfere with the needle clearance.
Short side out doesn't allow the sides to go back on without bulging.

The instructions are almost non-existent. Not a word about calibration, when, how often etc.
What is the micro SD card holder for (I can guess, but why is this not in clearly stated). Same for the larger allen wrench supplied.... and the zip ties.

I can measure, but why is there not something that states exactly how much tank water is used per testing cycle... this is important for automated makeup water to maintain salinity.

In the same fashion - there is no input for feed line length or volume. How does the Reefbot know it is measuring fresh tank water and not stale water trapped in the feed line?

Bug: Accessing the WEB app - unable to edit vial volumes - fields are locked. Can be updated using mobile app.

Anyway - off to try another parameter (maybe calcium or mag).
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2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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So the mag test failed the second that I clicked test

but the reagent (bot did not run) were deducted from inventory.

Hopefully there is an easy resolution, but find some little bugs very quickly.


A few minutes later the bot did start to run
But "Invalid date" still shows.

The earlier KH test has a date now, but show "unable to measure result"
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2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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So the Mag test appears to have run
but no clue what the "hours" thing means. These were manual tests
You see the failed test here and the successful mag test
but what is "in 4 hours" and "in 2 hours" (I have no scheduled tests!)


Moreover, - what do the light colors on this thing mean? There is no user manual - just a barely useful short "setup" video that basically tells you to plug it in and install the syringes.

Finding many little bugs.
The email notifications are not well formatted or consistent. I have not looked to see if I can even turn them off actually.
Notice there is no color swatch to compare to the chart for the Mag test?

But there is one for the Phosphate test notification. Again to the dismal documentation... I selected "HIGH RANGE" for the phosphate test, and assume I should have selected "LOW RANG" but nowhere does it explain the ranges.


The Alk test (that failed) notification email. Notice again there is no color swatch, but this time a link for troubleshooting (useless, as it goes to a dead page (below)

But notice (below) in the web app (above was the email notification)
There IS an endpoint color. But it is invalid? Too light? Who knows - there is no documentation and the FB group is moderated, so my posts have no yet been approved. Assuming that I can get answers there tomorrow if the fanboys don't attack (yeah I read back for a bit and that appears to be a thing there).


The troubleshooting link goes here.. so that is something that I guess needs to be fixed.

So I switched settings around and changed the Phosphate to LOW RANGE test and got a result. Need to confirm with another manual kit - as I can't imagine my phosphate being that low... In fact I would bet that it is closer to .2 or higher... Also the email has units (ppm) but the app/web interface lack the ppm units. Again not a deal breaker, but poor consistency. Are we talking ppm, ppb, meq/l, etc.


Now to the graphing... ehh? Looking in the settings screen, the upper and lower margins for mag are 1200 something to 1400 something but the "graph" below shows the mag to be below the the origin??

and the phosphate above?

So not sure what I am looking at here... Will report back after more samples appear on the timeline.

Other nitpicks -
Why do I have to undo a screw with an allen wrench to change syringes that have to be changed somewhat often? Thumbscrew, wing nut, hinged cover... something other than a tiny allen screw.

Why does the dashboard not show me the status of the device other than "green" for presumably online and "red" for presumably offline? Why no "alk test in progress" or similar.

Web dashboard has several bugs (at least on Chrome)
-can't edit vial volumes
-graphics for dashboard break if screen width is too wide (see below)

Should look like this

Mentioned above or other thread. The 60ml vials don't allow the sides to site flush, the vials are too big and stick out and the lids don't tighten down straight.

The interface is not ideal (not intuitive to me with regard to the different settings locations) and (again with no manual) there are all kinds of unexplained settings and screens.
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Nov 19, 2012
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sir, everything you had typed up, I as a new user, have also experienced. I received my unit last week. most of what you're describing as issues, I resolved on my own. Still waiting on support to assist with the rest. The users in the FB group are super helpful but support thus far, incommunicado since Friday. Please keep us posted. There are definitely a lot of poor UI/UX decisions and lot to be desired but I have started scratching the surface and understanding how to get results back on most tests, reliably, with the exception of magnesium. Please feel free to PM me and I'm sure we can start our own support hotline back and forth with things to look out for. Getting it running with the four different videos, none of which are comprehensive and leave out different parts, piece meaning it all together, was really frustrating.

ALL THAT BEING SAID. I am confident I'll be able to get to a place with this in a week or two and feel very good about it. Just really wish the learning curve and experience was more well thought out and documented and support more readily available.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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Thanks for the input - instead of DMs just start a new thread with tips/tricks, or a thread per tip/trick.

I too am fairly confident that the hardware will do what it should and many of my issues are related to poor documentation and lots of little oversights and bugs in the user interface software.


5000 Club Member
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May 31, 2020
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Personally if it's difficult to use and obtain accurate results easily I'd feel like I paid just to make things more complicated and be concerned that I actually didnt figure it out...I know others have different opinions though


Anemone L
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Jan 7, 2023
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Sorry I am old school every thing manually. Hopefully you get it sorted Good luck


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Jul 4, 2023
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Just when I almost have the wife talked int it, and myself, this prevents me from pulling the trigger. I see Hady already replied to your post. He is pretty active and quick to respond. When I see issues like this, it is another reason I wish it wasn't cloud dependent. Then the community could help troubleshoot it more, or atleast push the data to a third party interface and tweak it. Guess it can still be done, to some extent at least via the API, but that is less optimal.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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Just when I almost have the wife talked int it, and myself, this prevents me from pulling the trigger. I see Hady already replied to your post. He is pretty active and quick to respond. When I see issues like this, it is another reason I wish it wasn't cloud dependent. Then the community could help troubleshoot it more, or atleast push the data to a third party interface and tweak it. Guess it can still be done, to some extent at least via the API, but that is less optimal.

I have not had time to play with it since last evening.

The 60ml vial fitment is certainly not good, but not a deal breaker.
The same with the interface bugs that I have found so far.

I will report back once I have let it run tests for a few days.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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More updates:

Ran regular res ALK test using redsea pro reagents.
Manul test returned 8
Reefbot test returned 7
KH director telling me I am at 10.9

Tried t run "high resolution" ALK test but the reefbot (using the web dashboard) indicated "Insufficient RODI" whatever that means. The RODI reservoir is set to unlimited and the line plumbed into my RODI ATO tank.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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@Reef Kinetics

Please see posts above - I am running into all kinds of small issues, inconsistencies, bugs and problems. I think most of it is software related. I am trying to stay very positive here, but the more I play with the software the more issues I uncover.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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In trying to solve my "RODI INSUFFICIENT" issue I have run into other oddities or oversights.

Assuming the error is indicating that the unit (software?) thinks that I am out of RODI (It was set to unlimited) I went to check the settings in the software. 1.56 what? ml. liters? of waste... and .09 (again what are the units) RODI. Does the software think that is what is left?

Also - if I ran 5 tests and RK says 50-70ml per test. That is max 350ml of tank water. So if that is 1.56 liters of "waste" thn that ~1.21 liters of RO/DI used per test (assuming the units on the screen are liters). So ~242 ml of RO/DI water used per test? I Guess that is reasonable but were does the .09 come from then? Software bug and that is the reason I can't run any more tests?



2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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So it does appear that the units are in Liters - just not labeled in some placed and I found a software bug with unlimited RODI -

If you select -1 then the I presume the code is to use that as a flag for unlimited... but willing to bet that sign is dropped and the code interprets the -1 as "1" and then compare it to .09 remaining.... and things that there is not enough for a test...

I set the RODI reservoir to 1000L to not have to deal with it for a while... but being honest here, there are bugs everywhere in this software. I am still under the impression that the firmware and hardware are solid and hope that assumption holds true.

One note of concern is that updates are pushed automatically. I am not sure if this is firmware too, or just APP/WEB interface. But this is a double edged sword. If you are happy with the current release, you have no choice if a new one is pushed and introduces bugs or breaks things that were once working.

Time will tell...


2500 Club Member
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Jun 28, 2021
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Reading through this thread is the product in testing phase or GA / general availability? I'm not sure I understand if this is supposed to be hobbyist friendly or an advanced user only tool.

Note: I am not trying to stir the pot only wondering if you are running into these issues what would Bob the Hobbyist, not your Uncle, run into if they bought it expecting plug and play with results. Maybe I'm missing something.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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From what I can tell this piece of hardware is new but is a GA product. It appears to be designed to overcome what was learned from the prior generation(s) (V1 and V2 of the reefbot).

That said, the software appears to have been in place for some time because it was used with the prior hardware platforms. I don't know what has been added or changed to accommodate the new hardware. The software (IMHO) needs a LOT of polish and is the weakest point and the source of most of the frustration.

I think it is meant to be both hobbyist friendly and an advanced tool. I think in its current state it slightly misses both marks mostly due to lack of documentation and plenty of software quirks:

It has a lot of potential and as I stated and I think the hardware is fairly sound given the price point. If it were made more robust with a few more niceties, I don't think the price point would stay anywhere near as low as it is now.

I can't speak to longevity or maintenance.

At some point i will go over what I feel are the obvious areas that could be improved, but generally the syringe holder needs to have an access door not an allen screw and the 60ml vial clearance to the side case is suspect, but aesthetic and likely not a testing issue. There needs to be solid documentation and the software needs a LOT of cleanup and attention.

Accuracy, repeatability - no clue yet and I am not sure what test kits will provide the best results.

Overall the software feels like a work in progress. The problem for me with that is that I don't want to be a bug smasher or beta tester. I just want something that I can plug in and not fiddle with. If I wanted to fiddle, I would build my own device and write my own software.

That brings me to software updates. I get the impression that Reef Kinetics is working very hard to make improvements as issues are brought to their attention and they regularly push (not optional) updates. I don't see (could be missing it) a change log or update notice. I think they just happen. That is a double edged sword if very strict development protocols are not adhered to. I can't speak to their methods, as I have had this for two days. I certainly hope this is not a roller coaster of fixes and breaking changes.


2500 Club Member
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Jun 28, 2021
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From what I can tell this piece of hardware is new but is a GA product. It appears to be designed to overcome what was learned from the prior generation(s) (V1 and V2 of the reefbot).

That said, the software appears to have been in place for some time because it was used with the prior hardware platforms. I don't know what has been added or changed to accommodate the new hardware. The software (IMHO) needs a LOT of polish and is the weakest point and the source of most of the frustration.

I think it is meant to be both hobbyist friendly and an advanced tool. I think in its current state it slightly misses both marks mostly due to lack of documentation and plenty of software quirks:

It has a lot of potential and as I stated and I think the hardware is fairly sound given the price point. If it were made more robust with a few more niceties, I don't think the price point would stay anywhere near as low as it is now.

I can't speak to longevity or maintenance.

At some point i will go over what I feel are the obvious areas that could be improved, but generally the syringe holder needs to have an access door not an allen screw and the 60ml vial clearance to the side case is suspect, but aesthetic and likely not a testing issue. There needs to be solid documentation and the software needs a LOT of cleanup and attention.

Accuracy, repeatability - no clue yet and I am not sure what test kits will provide the best results.

Overall the software feels like a work in progress. The problem for me with that is that I don't want to be a bug smasher or beta tester. I just want something that I can plug in and not fiddle with. If I wanted to fiddle, I would build my own device and write my own software.

That brings me to software updates. I get the impression that Reef Kinetics is working very hard to make improvements as issues are brought to their attention and they regularly push (not optional) updates. I don't see (could be missing it) a change log or update notice. I think they just happen. That is a double edged sword if very strict development protocols are not adhered to. I can't speak to their methods, as I have had this for two days. I certainly hope this is not a roller coaster of fixes and breaking changes.

Thank you for the detailed response. Appreciate it very much.


2500 Club Member
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Jul 16, 2009
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Found another minor issue
Phosphate graph scale is too large. 0 -10 meaning that anything reasonable for a result will basically graph on the baseline and there is no trend line visible. Another very minor issue with likely a very easy fix, but they are piling up.

Rather telling that folks like ReefDudes and the CoralReefTank, etc, never noticed or mentioned any of these issues in their reviews.
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Jul 4, 2023
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Yes, from the 8 month review (guessing he was part of beta?) since it looks like the lab was announced in June and all the other comments and stuff I read it sounded like everything was pretty solid, except from the occasional hitch or snafu that is to be expected with a device like this.

The app definetly sounds like it needs some fixes so the system is more turn-key and user friendly. Exporting all the info and data into a 3rd party and making your own dashboard would fix it, but shouldn't be the solution, nor would it for the average user. I really want to get one and add it info my Home Assistant build, but my faith has wavered after reading your comments. Nothing seems show stopping, but all of it combined with the cloud dependency just pushes me back.

From what I've read, I would expect RK will fix these issues quickly, but wonder why there are less comments on people having these issues. Only thing I can think of is a lot of the Lab owners were V1 or V2 owners and are used to how it is and it seems normal.

I haven't seen many comments on your FB posts in the group other than Guzman really. I know I was attacked by a couple fanboys when I asked my questions about the cloud dependency.

WHITE BUCKET CHALLENGE : How CLEAR do you think your water is in your reef aquarium? Show us your water!

  • Crystal Clear

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  • Mostly clear with a tint of yellow

    Votes: 38 58.5%
  • More yellow than clear

    Votes: 4 6.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 1 1.5%