Palace of Tang: 220 Mixed Reef and 180 SPS Dominant Bare bottom with Frag Tank


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Jan 19, 2019
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Ive been at reefing for 2 years now and would like to finally bring you my build thread. Originally started with a 125g display that I repurposed into the 220s sump. During the upgrade I unfortunately fond a pinhole leak in the 220g a day after I set it up. Had to drain the entire thing again, seal it, and put everything back in and in the process suffered a minor tank crash. Lost all but 1 torch, a handful of euphyllia, 1/3 of my acros and others sadly. BUT from the ashes spring life. After it settled In it almost immediately sprang into a dino bloom which was, after a couple month battle I was able to beat with rotifers, algae fritz, and lots of manual removal of crud from the water column. The Fritz did have an unsuspected side effect in both tanks. In both tanks it stalled the alk and calcium consumption. In the 180 about 6 different frags completely lost color and browned out as well but are now starting to come back. Luckily no major alk swings but I did notice it and correct it once it started creeping toward 10 DKH more consistently

I normally try to keep my mixed 220 at roughly 8.7-9.0 dkh. The 180 I let go a little bit higher from 9-10 DKH to promote more growth and increase photosynthesis, coupled with blasting both systems with as much flow as possible without ticking things off or blowing off the flesh. The 180 and its frag tank was set up while the 125 was going strong. Been fighting a gnarly hair algea in the 180 since the beginning of the year but been knocking it down through manual removal, large cleanup crews, and fritz. I have stopped using the fritz though and just recently tried Flux RX at the recommendation of my LFS. Now its time to sit back and watch how it works!

Both tanks are visible on all 4 sides and able to walk around. Everything in my house revolves around artwork, including the tanks as they are works of art on their own. I own and run a Laser Engraving business so when people come by to get work done, the goal was for someone to walk in and immediately be overwhelmed with art everywhere and amazing works.

Let me know what you think!

220g Mixed Reef Display
125g sump
6 hydra 26s with Aquaticlife T5 hybrid
Jebao Gyre Wavemaker
2 Jebao PP-20 Wavemakers
1 Jebao RW-8 Wavemaker
Jebao Return Pump
Reef Octopus OTP-3000 Skimmer
Aqua UV UV Sterilizer
2 heaters

180g SPS Dominant Bare Bottom
75g Sump
ATI Sunpower 8x80 T5 with xho LEDs
2 Jebao Gyrie Wavemakers
1 Jebao PP-20 Wavemaker
1 Jebao PP-15 Wavemaker
Current USA Return Pump
Reef Octopus Int-150
Aqua UV UV Sterilizer
2 heaters

60g Deep Blue Frag tank
150g Sump plumbed in line with 180g display and 75g sump but able to run as a separate system
6 Bulb T5 fixture
Jebao Gyrie Wavemaker
Koralia powerhead

IMG_5162.jpg IMG_5163.jpg


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Very nice tanks!! I love that you can walk all the way around them! Looks like one is in your kitchen? And there’s a little bar on one side to sit at??


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Jan 19, 2019
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Very nice tanks!! I love that you can walk all the way around them! Looks like one is in your kitchen? And there’s a little bar on one side to sit at??
Thank you! Yes, it splits the kitchen and the living room and gives you a clear view on 4 sides. You can sit at the ends of the island in the kitchen but there isnt enough space for a chair on the other side. Used to have a chair on one side and decided to delete it and put an 20g tank for an ATO on the side. Cut some holes in the island cabinet where it meets the tank and I stored and organized all the electronics hidden in the island. My 180 in my office in the front of the house is visible on all 4 sides as well.