Ok, bear with me here. Setup is over 6 months old. RedSea 300xl g2+. Current skimmer is Redsea 300 non DC protein skimmer. Skim has never been right. Its currently on 3 or 4 layers of eggcrate, one of the two air intakes are blocked and its still either a wet skim or none at all. I am fully aware that RS has a DC upgrade kit but I'm not sure how well I like their electronics. Not impressed with their ATO+ at all. Id ready prefer to switch the pump to the VarioS 2 skimmer pump so I can bypass the controller and it hook directly to my Hydros Wave Engine. As a last resort I could get the sicce PSK SDC 1200 Controllable DC pump, but again, prefer to hook straight into Hydros. Help a gal out here.