Stocking List For LPS/Softie Reef 40B


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Oct 10, 2023
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Hey guys. I saw that there wasn't a 40b stock list thread on the first page, so I figured I better make one! I'm getting back into aquariums after some time away, and trying to get my first real mixed reef tank going. I want to have some solid corals going, but I do want a pretty heavy, varied stocking list and place the overall focus on the fish.

I'd like to keep it to single or pairs of fish, and focus on covering as wide a variety of colors and types as possible. I'm thinking maybe one of each of the following (or possibly a pair of the cardinals or firefish)

banggai cardinal
purple/exquisite firefish
starki damselfish
snowflake ocellaris clown
captive-bred mandarin
one/two small wrasse

I'm hoping the cardinal and firefish are a couple easy ways to get fairly uniquely colored/shaped fish into the tank, and I've heard that starki damsels and ocellaris clowns are usually the least aggressive of their respective species. I was reading a thread about good reef-safe angels for a 40b, and a few guys mentioned the starki as a good alternative.

As far as the last three, I'm familiar with the requirements of mandarins, and do plan on cultivating pods both in the tank as well as in a HOB fuge. And I'll only buy a captive-bred fish, so hopefully pods won't be that much of an issue at all! When it comes to the wrasse, I know that most require more swimming space than a 36" tank, but I've read a fair amount of info saying that smaller flashers or fairies can handle the shorter tank. What are the chances of a carpenters or mccoskers wrasse playing nice with a yellow corris, lubbock, or some other fairy wrasse? I've heard flashers are generally more aggressive than fairies, would two different fairy wrasse be a better option?

Thanks for any advice and experience you guys have to offer!!


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Herd stories about multiple wrasses being a bad idea but im not sure if there are some that are capable of being cohabitable. Just stories I've herd, no personal experience on this.

Herd cleaner gobys are great!