
  1. C

    If I have Dinos in my Coral QT, is it worth battling?

    Setup my first coral QT about a two weeks ago now. I've had my DT running for 6 months now. But I haven't had any lights on the tank, since I haven't had any corals. So I didn't realize quite how quickly nuisance algae can tank over a tank. Especially one that is fresh and clean like a freshly...
  2. C

    EMERGENCY Friends fish tank levels changing.

    Please help. A few months back a friend of mine started his first marine fish, got it cycled and stable for for about 6/8 weeks. Had 2 fish in the tank and everything was fine, he recently purchased a mushroom from another friend and now one of the fish is struggling and levels have completely...
  3. M

    Highl phosphate!!!

    Hi all I’ve been having problems with my phosphate the past few weeks in my Fluval evo and I can’t seem to lower them at all I’ve done 30% water changes I’ve been running rowaphos in a filter bag in with my filter basket and in beside my return pump it was at a steady 0.25 since I’ve set the...
  4. M

    Should I add fish at NO2 at 2?

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question about the cycling of my tank. It has been running for two weeks, and I bought live rock from the local aquarium store. For the first ten days, the NH3 level was 0 and NO2 was 0.1. Last Friday, I removed the live rock from the tank for aquascaping...
  5. M

    EMERGENCY Insect/bugs in tank

    I’ve discovered there is some sort of inscect living under my gsp frag have only noticed it today I’m new to the hobby and never dipper my coral before placing them in my reed can someone please explain what this is and a solution if necessary thanks
  6. M

    White particles floating in tank

    Hi all I’ve recently noticed small white particles in my tank floating around don’t think it’s air bubbles but could be wrong any suggestions on what it could be and how to fix cheers
  7. xandermiles

    Considering a macroalgae tank

    Hello again, i’m considering trying to set up a macroalgae tank for my first saltwater aquarium(probably a 75). I’m doing so partially because I really like the look, partially because I’ve heard it removes the need for a sump, and partially because i don’t want coral (at least for the...
  8. K

    Coral suggestions

    Hello everyone, New to r2r; however I have a 32 gal biocube which has been going for about 2 months. I have a normal ocellaris clownfish and an Wyoming white clownfish. I got the water parameters to the correct levels so I'm looking for some suggestions on beginner corals for my tank. I...
  9. M

    Powerhead output/position’s recommendations

    Hi all I’ve added a jeboa MOW-5 to my fluval evo 13.5 gal/52 liter tank as I’ve recently added gsp/ Kenya tree with a max flow of 500 to 5000L/H just curious on the best settings/flow for this pump it has sine wave mode which can adjust the frequency of the waves and also the correct position of...
  10. M

    Fluval digital thermometer

    Hi all I’ve recently purchased this fluval thermometer as I had the basic glass one before hand just wondering how accurate these are as my old one currently shows 26 degrees Celsius thanks.
  11. M

    Diatoms/brown algae problems any suggestions ?

    Hi all I’ve recently cycled my reef and my water parameters are starting to settle I have been experiencing some brown algae on the surface of my tank and the substrate has been turning a brown colour only a day or so after cleaning I’ve read it could be diatoms but not quite sure if that’s the...
  12. M

    Diatoms/brown algae problems any suggestions ?

    Hi all I’ve recently cycled my reef and my water parameters are starting to settle I have been experiencing some brown algae on the surface of my tank and the substrate has been turning a brown colour only a day or so after cleaning I’ve read it could be diatoms but not quite sure if that’s the...
  13. E

    New to tanks. Bio cube tank.

    I’m new to tanks but my brother gave me his 29 gallon bio cube tank. I just have the aquarium and have to buy all new stuff. I still have to do research as I know nothing about tanks or more specifically saltwater tanks but am planning on a reef tank with a couple clownfish. Before I start I...
  14. M

    Don't Worry This is The Beginners Guide!!

    Hello Reef2Reef Community! As I was cleaning my tank yesterday, I realized that in two months it will be 1 year in this hobby! I was thinking about how much I have learned throughout this experience and how many errors I have made along the way because I was not properly educated. Some of my...
  15. TheWetzelPretzel

    Pet crustaceans

    I'm new and inexperienced, and I want to get a pet crab or crustacean. I was wondering what would be a good starter, like shrimp or crabs. Thanks for any help!
  16. A

    New to Saltwater is this a good set up?

    Hi I'm new to saltwater and looking into getting into the hobby I found this deal on marketplace looking to get some feedback. - 40 gallon sump - 150 pounds live rock complete with pump and stand - 150 gallon with Euro Bracing - circulating pump, pump itself - heater - lights Thank you
  17. A

    What can I improve in my equipment?

    Hey everyone, I am new to the hobby. I’ve been lurking on Reddit for about a few months now and slowly gathering materials and I would like to get some insight before I even start thinking about cycling my tank. I know there’s a lot to learn and I don’t want to waste money starting too early...
  18. C

    Cleaning New Equipment Before Use

    How should you be cleaning new equipment before using it/putting it in your tank? A new tank after sitting in a box in a warehouse? Powerheads and pumps with oils and grease from assembly and the manufacturing process? Nets, gravel vacs and other tools sitting on the racks at LFS? Do you just...
  19. Linknzelda1

    Hello Tips on lighting

    Hello, I am new to reefing and I’m struggling with exactly how to set up my lights. Some say 8 hours some say 10 but would it hurt to have it on for 12? And if so what kind of damage would it do? Also I have white, blue, and RGB mode what is recommended to have on at what times? Is there a light...
  20. natattack

    Is my tank suitable for rock flower anemones

    Hello! I am in the process of setting up a macro algae anemone aquarium with some cool invertebrates for the anemones to host like porcelain crabs and sexy shrimp. At least that is the plan. Feel free to check my build thread for more specifics! My main question is whether my current setup...
  21. G

    My first Reef Tank

    Hello everyone, I've been lurking on this site for years now when I started my aquarium two years ago, I have always had intentions of upgrading my 29g tall indopacific live rock fish only to a reef tank but until now didn't have the funds. The original tank was a threft from good will I picked...
  22. C

    What is this snail/polyp thing??

    Hi, I am trying and struggling to keep coral and I just brought in a tuxedo urchin to help with my algae issue and he when I bought him had a green star polyp on him the store gave me for free. I noticed this little thing crawling around and at first I thought it was also a star polyp but this...
  23. bluerun

    Nano fish and inverts for 150g

    Getting ready to set up my first saltwater aquarium. It’s a 150g but I truly love having smaller fish as I feel it gives the whole tank a better sense scale. My 60g freshwater currently houses fish that will never get over 1” long and I absolutely love it! What fish would you suggest that...
  24. Lucastank


    Tank has been up about 7 months. Doing great so far. last few days I noticed what I think is diatoms? On my rock and sand bed. In the beds i blow it away and it does come back. Seems to go away once lights are off and or less off. Just want to ask before/if becomes problem. tank seems to be...
  25. MaxSc

    Build Thread My 50g reef

    Hello everyone, I wanted to make a post about my new 50 gallon aquarium I recently upgraded to so that I can get some feedback from more experienced reefers. Current stocking: 1 ocellaris clown fish 14 scarlet hermit crabs about 20 dwarf cerith snails 5 nerite snails soft and some lps corals...