corals dying

  1. D

    Sps were doing great for about 8 months and now STN for 3 months

    I have a Red Sea 950 peninsula The tank is one year old today and the rock is about two years old. For the First 8 months any sps frag I put in would start to grow very fast and would do just fine, from my Montiporas to Acros nothing was dying and they were thriving. About 3 months ago my red...
  2. R

    Is my coral dead or dying? (new to hobby)

    i got this coral like a few weeks ago everything was good until i did a slight water change and added new salt the next day i woke up it looked like it had white algae and some parts look fine. should i remove it from my tank or leave it there and see what happens? will the dead/dying coral...
  3. Z

    Trachyphylia dying, corals

    I have a 260 gallon tank reef aquarium which i added for new corals to. NO3: 7.5 Amonia: <0.01 Salinity: 1026.5 KH: 9 dKH PO4: 0.03 Temperature: 25 °C (77 °F) Calcium: 410 ca/l Reef tank age: 9 months One of the corals which is identified as trachyphylia is not well i think. Its a white coral...
  4. M

    Toxic dinoflagellates

    Hello, A few months ago I found out that I have poisonous dinoflagellates. Every morning and night (when the lights came on and off) a lot of corals suddenly closed. And by closed I mean completely withdrawn. In the evening, corals closed faster and further than normal. After a few minutes they...
  5. J

    What is growing on my coral?

    Hi, Something is happening to my corals and I have no idea what. They are turning to mush. My parameters are in check, what could this be? Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
  6. Burray

    Corals Dying

    I have been feeding Hikari Bio Pure Spirulina Brine Shrimp Frozen for about 6 months. My tank was beautiful, my corals were growing and now my Xenia is just about gone and I have lost several of my corals. I still have my finger leather and toad stool are hanging on but my polyp seems ok for...
  7. clownlovers

    EMERGENCY Torch coral needs help!

    Hello all, I need help here my torch has been doing this the past few days. It stiffs up and retracts it’s tentacles half way. It doesn’t flow in the wave and this is all during the daylight cycle. The perimeters are: Nitrate 100ppm (salifert) Nitrite 1ppm (“) Mag 1120 added mag new number 1320...
  8. R

    HELP - My Corals are Not Doing good in my new tank

    Setup: IM Fusion 20 Desktop, BKRS titanium heater + InkBird controller,MightyJet 326 GPH Return Pump, Nero 3 Powerhead, AI hydra 32 HD, 2x VCA Rfg’s, special grade arag alive sand (15-20lbs), Carib sea life rock (12-15lbs), recently added galaxy pods from algae barn, refugium light with chaeto...
  9. J

    Are my clove polyps dying?

    For the past 2 days my clove polyps have been closed and looking sad for the most part. Since then I have moved them to a new area. One kinda opened up a little but there’s algae forming on the stocks as you can see in the pics. Anyone have any suggestions?
  10. E

    EMERGENCY Tank REcyling

    So I went away for the weekend only to return to a cloudy tank, come to find out a fish had died while I was gone, when I got back my water was cloudy and my ammonia was sky high, my corals were all closed up and some have melted, I have been dosing bacteria and am guard every day and doing 10...
  11. Alyssalaurente

    DINO ID???

    Hello reef friends and experts! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this type of dinoflagellate. On the sand bed, it looks more like diatoms. No appearance of stringy/snotty bubbles, just brown patches that appear during the day and vanish at night. Under the microscope they are...
  12. H

    Help with alkalinity swings

    Hello fellow reefers, im 5 months into the hobby I’ve been testing parameters regularly but just recently after a 20 gallon water change on my 75 gallon my alkalinity went from 7.5 to 9.8 used the same salt everything the same but shortly my hammer coral, goniopora, candy cane and some zoas that...
  13. L

    AI light spectrum

    Hi, I am new here and am hoping someone can help with my lighting questions. I purchased a 10g nano reef tank a year ago. My corals are not doing well and I think lighting may be the issue. Can someone tell me what a good general setting would be. I currently have my purples and blues at 30%...
  14. TheReefArchitect

    Corals not opening up.

    Over the last few days my corals (predominantly LPS tank) have looked a little jaded. Hammers & frogspawns aren’t opening up. Chalices looking rather ‘close to the bone’ and a lot of ‘mouths’ are staying open. All in all nothing is opening as it should. Water params seem okay, Salinity: 1.24...
  15. Reefer37

    My Tank Feels like it's Going Downhill

    So let me give a little background. I started this hobby for the first time about 7 months ago. I knew starting out this hobby would be a challenge, but it was something I was ready for. I cleaned out a JBJ45 I picked off Craigslist, set it up. Cycled for 2 weeks using a combo of live sand and...
  16. Reefer37

    I need some help...

    Alright guys, I'm getting a little frustrated over dosing and what is going on in my tank. I'm still pretty new to this as this is my first saltwater tank so bear with me. So I'll give you all the info I can: JBJ 45 Lighting: Hydra 52 HD (ran around 30%) Filtration: Stock media baskets...
  17. R

    Help I don't know whats wrong

    I'm fairly new to salt water but things aren't going well. I have a 55 gallon tank with ~40 lbs of live rock. I have 5 fish, A toby puffer fish, a clown pair, a pajama cardinal, and a watchman golby, I also have a clam which I believe is a leafy jewel box (got him accidentally but its doing...
  18. Reefer37

    Clove Polyps Not Opening

    Hey everyone! So really at a loss on this one, but got these clove polyps about 2 months ago and they've been great open and out. About a week ago they closed up for some reason and I thought may have something to do with lighting as I was already looking to upgrade. Switched lights and still...
  19. C

    Softies thriving while LPS die

    Hi there i have a 125 gallon reef and I am facing a bad LPS issue. Nitrates and phosphates 0 ALK 9 Calc 350 temp 79 So my softies look amazing. I have multiple toadstools, mushrooms, kenya trees and more. But my bubble coral, hammer coral and torch are all starting to retract and not extend at...
  20. J

    HELP cloudy tank and corals dying

    3 days ago i woke up to a cloudy tank and lethargic livestock and corals not opened up and mushroom splitting maybe from stress. Turns out my return pump in the back sump of my all in one tank had broke most prob the night before and i didn’t notice till 11am the next day so maybe 24h with no...
  21. Gsnowd

    Corals gone wrong?

    Okay so this is my first post here. I am having trouble with corals, can’t seem to do anything right when it comes to them and I hate wasting money. Anybody know what could be going wrong? They don’t look healthy at all. Here are my parameters Salt level: 1.024 kH: 120 PH: 7.5 Nitrite: 0...
  22. Eagle aquatics315

    Corals dying slowly please help!

    Hello everyone been a while since I have posted because everything has been fine up until the last 2 months. I have a 125 gallon mixed reef tank (1 year old) and I cannot for the life of me figure out why my corals are dying slowly, it is also a low nutrient tank. ALL of my parameters are were I...
  23. Eagle aquatics315

    Corals dying slowly HELP

    Hello everyone been a while since I have posted because everything has been fine up until the last 2 months. I have a 125 gallon mixed reef tank (1 year old) and I cannot for the life of me figure out why my corals are dying slowly, it is also a low nutrient tank. ALL of my parameters are were I...
  24. jsker

    Effects of low salinity on corals?

    I did a search on this topic and did not find this question of R2R I started a auto water change on 4/15 and also recalibrated my conductivity probe about the same time. The reason for the recalibration was that for the past two years the probe was reading correctly and the last two month it...
  25. BonelessEvil

    calcium 300 PPM, dosing 60 mL/day

    okay, so Sunday I realized my tank was in trouble. I should have found out sooner, since one of my corals started looking unhappy by last Thursday. I tested my calcium and got 330 PPM. I'm trying to keep it at 450 PPM, but by Monday it dropped down to 300 PPM. Turns out my Apex was programmed...