
  1. S

    Emergency! Blue discolor on my cousin's clownfish

    My cousin sent me a picture of his clownfish. It has this blue/purple discoloring on it. Seen in the picture. I measured his salinity at 1.023. No idea what this is. Please help. Thanks!
  2. JcK03

    Maldives clownfish skin discoloration

    Hello all One of my new clownfish (arrived last Friday) have developed this night a kind of white patch discoloration on his skin, he swim normally and he eat just before this video(and have feed his anemone too). He seem to breath a little faster than the other one. And the other one is...
  3. cmiller

    EMERGENCY Help my Powder Blue Tang

    I have a PBT and I know they’re prone to ick but I don’t think it’s ick. I’ve been dosing poly reef medic. I did a 5 minute freshwater dip and it wasn’t flukes.
  4. William Chiavetta

    EMERGENCY I think my powder blue tang has ich

    I think my powder blue has ich I’ve included a picture down below and I’m looking for suggestions
  5. pookie

    EMERGENCY Melanurus Wrasse Not doing well.

    backstory very quickly, a week ago I got the bright idea of buying a pot for my clowns in my main DT so they can maybe lay eggs in it and I can hatch them, I boiled the pot for about 10 minutes and let it dry and tossed it in. Simultaneously I realized my magnesium was down to 1080 which is not...
  6. Gianluca

    Using old water for a new tank

    Hello to make a long story short my 50 gallon aquarium broke during moving. I have a 90 gallon that I'm trying to move everything into as soon as possible. I have 40 gallons of water from the previous tank as well as about 80lbs of live rock and a very large amount of sand from the previous...
  7. K

    EMERGENCY Possible uronema in new reef tank

    I have a newly cycled reef tank, 30 gallons in size, and bought 3 chromis just a week ago. Two died almost instantly with physical symptoms that resemble uronema. I have one still alive, but it also has symptoms now. I'll show pictures. What are my options? I don't have corals or inverts yet...
  8. U

    EMERGENCY Foxface lying on the ground

    my family and I went on a trip for a couple days all the fish were doing great but when we came back 1 fish was dead, 1 dissapeared and the foxface was breathing heavily and lying on the ground. Could it be ammonia? I've moved him into a qt just incase.
  9. B

    EMERGENCY Clownfish laying on ground breathing heavily

    My male clownfish is laying on the ground breathing heavily, I don’t know what to do
  10. dangros

    Horrid smell after pruning coral

    HELP! Today, I decided to do a little overdue maint on my neglected tank. I reset the gurgling siphon and cut back on some coral that is way overgrown in my 90g tank. Some of it is now growing out of the water and algae was forming on the dying parts that were too high over the water line. Due...
  11. T

    Ammonia won’t go away

    I purchased a tank off of Facebook marketplace. I was understood it to be a cycled tank. But when purchased I was only given 5 gallons of the water. There for I made all new water. I know my tank is acting a little funny and not opening up like it should. I bought the regular test kits and all...
  12. L

    Second night in a row

    Seccond night in a row my little **** of a diamond goby jumped out of the tank. Getting tired of this ****. Any tips? By the way he jumped out of this hole.
  13. V

    I Need Help :(

    My clowns had what I was confident were burn marks, as they showed up after I got some new corals and they were showing no signs of anything and were acting and eating fine. Last night I noticed one of them looked bloated after eating, but it was immediately after and it's a bit of a glutton so...
  14. L

    Just appeared in tank a week or so ago. Id please?

    It looks like two small feather dusters to me, not completely sure. There is an empty feather duster tube on my torch skeleton. Possible culprit?
  15. Chreefer

    Clownfish sick?? Help

    Hi guys, I recently finished cycling my 29 gal standard size tank. Introduced 2 clowns on 3/8/24. My frost bite clown immediately started swimming low in the tank and under the rock work at times opening and closing mouth quickly. The next day the clown was swimming around in the water column...
  16. Q

    Emergency what should I do with my anemone

    Hi, I woke up this morning to my anemone looking horrific. Yesterday it walked to the Kenya tree. When I got home it was slightly touching the Kenya tree but its mouth was open really wide and all white stuff was visible. As if its insides were coming out. I moved the Kenya tree and it looks...
  17. Linoss17

    Algae/Bacteria id

    I have this slime on my sand bed and on some of my rock. The slime sticks to the rock and sticks pieces of sand to it. I can’t suck it out with a siphon the sand that sticks to it weighs it down. I have to manual remove the slime and the sand that is attacked to it as well.
  18. johnf3

    Striated Anglerfish bloated during hyposalinity

    I recently started hyposalinity for my striated anglerfish because he came down with what appeared to be ich. Lots of small white dots that changed location overnight and grew in population over a few days, they were even on his ”hair”. He seems to be fine with the lower salinity but last night...
  19. B

    Need help. Fish dying

    So I'm at a loss. All the fish in my tank died except for one scooter blenny I got when I first set up the tank. Tank was running smooth for the first 6 - 7 months. I had no issues and it housed a pair of clowns, midas blenny, goby and the last man standing the scooter blenny. The goby died...
  20. R

    Significant Alk Rise and Calc Drop

    My tank chemistry got messed up in a matter of 2 days out of no where Mag: 1130 Alk: 12 No3: 1 Po4: 0.07 Ph: 8.3 Ca: 200 I will do a 40% water change tomorrow Please give me some tips on what to do to fix this high alk while increasing calc I was dosing all for reef I had one of my wall...
  21. A

    [Emergency] Canister Filter latch broke, now 90 gallon doesn't have filtration

    I have an Aqua one Aquis Series 2 1250 on a 5ft 90 gallon saltwater tank with a hippo tang, file fish, 3 black mollies and 2 Australian stripy's and a pair of clownfish, 1 of the 4 latchs to seal the canister so that it doesn't leak all over the floor broke when i was re-closing it after taking...
  22. T

    How to lower high range ph

    My high range ph is 8.4 and found one of my fish dead today how do I lower it
  23. A

    Frogspawn’s tentacles dying and showing skeleton

    One of my recently new frogspawn frags hasn’t been fully opening up for the fast few days, and it seems as if one of the heads is receding/ dying. I was wondering if this was BJD or soemthing else?
  24. tech_reefer

    Plate Coral With Feather Duster

    Hello all, I've kinda of had a small panic attack it looks like my plate coral has some type of worm or feather duster in its tissue. How can I remove it or stop it from irritating the coral?
  25. Z

    Clownfish having trouble opening mouth to eat, heavy breathing

    My female clownfish is slowly starving, and I don't know what to do. She has always had a wonky looking mouth and jaw, that has never opened and closed like our male clownfish, who has a normal looking mouth. She never used to have issues with eating, however I have noticed recently that her...