
  1. AKreuzer

    Is MarcoRock the Enemy?

    Preface: this has been my experience and findings...there may be unpopular opinions here but I want to leverage this to share my challenges and what I would do differntly and how I plan to move forward. Tank Setup to start: 150g Display Tank 55g Sump Theiling Compact Rollermat 2 inch carribsea...
  2. A

    Feeding about for clowns

    Hey guys I have 2 small clowns, bout 40mm and 30mm and a scooter. How much should I be feeding them. I've been giving them 1/4 of a brine shrimp cube. I also have a spotted leopard wrasse but the little **** is still hiding in the sand (2nd day in the tank)
  3. MattPLaw

    How do you feed you corals?

    Hello all! I am curious what everyone does to feed or otherwise provide nutrients for their corals. I'd love to see pictures of your tank, hear your feeding regimen, and your experience with what works and what doesn't. Some background: I am about 3 months into the hobby and have a softy and...
  4. R

    USA Fish feeding port with defrost cup- will ship!!

    **REEF SAFE** PETG Fish feeding port for mesh lids! The defrost can be removed to feed other foods like flakes or just to access the tank. Fully 3D printed in reef safe PETG. Shipping included! ***Make sure the defrost cup “mesh” is submerged under water. I’ve included measurement in...
  5. AquaForge

    BTA rescue neglected or not?

    I rescued a tank this weekend that is 4 years old. The previous owner probably checked out of the hobby a while ago. The tank was full of GHA and he has 3 black widow BTAs. Inside I found one that was attached to the underside of the return nozzle. It was completely flat and blowing around like...
  6. V

    Feeding clownfish

    Hello, I just bought a pair of ocellaris that are about 3 inches. I have them in a Fluval Evo 13.5 and I’ve been feeding them prime reef flakes until they get full, twice a day. Am I over feeding? I am assuming that the fish is full when it eats a flake and spits it out. The male doesn’t eat...
  7. Blakjax

    Neptune Automatic Feeding System (AFS) - $60

    I have a Neptune Systems Automatic Feeding System. It included the 15' Aquabus cable. Its works as it should and I just pulled it out of service a couple weekends ago. $60 + $5 shipping
  8. TheCa11ousOne

    Traveling 3+ Weeks: Lighting and Dosing

    Hello Reefers! I need serious advice on how to handle a long trip, with a new-ish reef tank, that is doing very well... but not "3+ weeks-with-no-water-change-or-dosing" well... 20 gal long, 4 small fish, snail/hermit CUC, soft and LPS corals. I am currently doing a 30%-50% water change once a...
  9. T

    Scooter blenny feeding during vacation

    Hi everyone, I got a Scooter Blenny for a few months now, since October to be exact, in my 20gal waterbox. She is doing amazing, always hunting for food but eats also very well frozen artemia. She always even swims to the top by the spot I drop the artemia in. I also have tried to feed her...
  10. L

    Saltwater stingrays refuse to eat

    I’m a student studying marine biology and in our lab we are performing respirometry on stingrays to measure oxygen consumption and metabolic rates at increased temperatures. This is being done on neonatal rays (eventually) and juveniles (currently). My issue is, I’ve just got 2 juvenile Atlantic...
  11. jbonez_

    Water change

    I currently have a 20g IM AIO fully cycled for about a month now, total water volume is 14.5g. I've been currently been doing four gallon water changes weekly because my Nitrates were tad high. Last Sunday I did my normal water change and tested today and I am showing zero nitrates now. Would be...
  12. nanoman95

    How much food?

    Hi all I have just purchased a very greedy Firefish who I have been feeding twice a day! I do 8 small pellets in the morning and 8 again in the eve, I also drop in 2/3 flakes as the hermit crabs and nas snail go crazy for them so like to make sure they have enough to! How often and how much...
  13. A

    Beginner Feeding Question

    Hi all, I have had my sea horses (erectus) for about 7 weeks and so far so good. I wanted to ask for advice and do a “gut check” on my approach to feeding. i have those frozen Mysis cubes, and frozen enriched brine cubes. in my 33 gallon tank I have : 1 lawnmower Blenny (who is kind to my...
  14. Enigma84

    Vinegar dosing. One dose or several small?

    I have homed in my vinegar dosing to 60ml a day. This deals with 6 cubes a day plus some mysis rs flake and spectrum pellets. I tend to feed in the evening and wondering whether this is causing very high nutrients and low the rest of the time. I was spreading it out to 24 times a day through a...
  15. StargazingOrion

    New Clownfish feeding issue

    Hello all! First post on reef2reef, and I'm posting this here because I'm a bit concerned for my new clowns. I'm new to the hobby and set up a tank and let it finish a cycle, ensured ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels were low and safe, and introduced 2 ocellaris clowns into the environment...
  16. Chela101

    Pink spotted watchman goby

    Hello, I been having my tank for 3 years and like any tank my sand gets brown, and I got today a pink spotted watchman goby!! So cute! I done research on their diet but I wanted to know what are ppl feeding them and how frequently and does anyone have one that lasted more than a year? Thank you...
  17. SigmaVX

    Wean Long Nosed Hawkfish off Live Food

    Have a healthy long nose hawk that refuses to eat frozen (mysis), fresh (reef nutrition roe or pods), or any pellets/flakes. He devours small live feeder shrimp. I’ve tried garlic and mixing things up. Any suggestions from the pros on how I can move him over to frozen or fresh?
  18. BlackiceClowns

    Anemone Feeding

    Hello Everyone I have a new BTA and I'm planning on feeding it soon. My local fishmonger sells a marinara mix of seafood which was recommended to me. these are the ingredients. Can I feed it or should i use the mix before feeding it to get rid of the flavorings? Basa Pieces (34%) [Farmed Basa...
  19. M

    Mag-clip feeding Clip

    I got this off of fishtanks direct. I’m posting to tell everyone that it’s A USDA grade ‘A’ piece of absolute Shi*. If you can claw and bite your way through the imposible to open packaging, your left with a 2 cent, thin cheap piece of plastic. It slips off the float, the tangs are scared of...
  20. Ryan's.Reef

    Here’s what I’ve been feeding my tank!

    pictured are my kryptonite candy canes they seem to be enjoying the new food! I wish they would split. Anyone know the optimal conditions to grow these faster?
  21. MDAquatics

    Button scoly with an unusual diet. Concern?

    So my button scoly decided to deviate from its normal diet. I noticed the other day it had a huge lump in it, I had just added a bunch of nassarius snails but I thought "no way, they are way too big and the lump isn't big enough." I was worried though, it was a big lump. Today the culprit has...
  22. M

    Watchman Goby

    I have a watchman Goby, he’s been in my Fluval 13.5 gallon nano reef tank for 2 years now. Initially with 2 clown fish, now with a single clown fish (the female clown became very aggressive and beat up the male until he wasn’t able to survive in a span of a few days, about 6 months ago) the Big...
  23. eislekel

    Mandarin Dragonet feeding with Brine Shrimp Video

    Hello Reefers, I would like to share a video that I shoot 1 hour ago while feeding my Mandarin Dragonet. Everybody was asking about how I feed my Mandarin on social media. Here is the answer. Bonus:
  24. Huddy_

    Nano Build 15G nano reef setup, help!

    Hey fellas, hope your holiday weekend is treating you well. I’m planning to start the process of building a 15g nano reef w/ fish after a couple year hiatus coming from a fresh water cichlid tank. I have very little experience with saltwater tanks so I am doing my due diligence and researching...
  25. CaseyWagner

    Getting the right amount of phyto

    My clownfish have been breeding again recently so I figured why not make a go of it. I've got rotifer cultures from Copepods.ca (I think it's the same company as Copepods.com in the US) The bottle of included phyto is labelled high concentration, and the only directions say to add 1-2 ml per 200...