
  1. P

    LPS keep dying

    I don’t understand why I am having trouble keeping LPS alive in my tank. The common theme I have is I purchase a new coral and it initially is fine, however, they typically slowly decline over a few weeks and I watch as more and more skeleton become exposed and their flesh starts retracting. I...
  2. K

    EMERGENCY Possible uronema in new reef tank

    I have a newly cycled reef tank, 30 gallons in size, and bought 3 chromis just a week ago. Two died almost instantly with physical symptoms that resemble uronema. I have one still alive, but it also has symptoms now. I'll show pictures. What are my options? I don't have corals or inverts yet...
  3. J

    HELP! I don’t think my Blenny is eating.

    So picked up a lawnmower Blenny as my first first in my newly cycled tank. I have attempted to feed him both frozen brine shrimp and Nori but I can’t seem to catch him eating either. I have my nori clipped maybe a little to high but I didn’t think it was an issue. Is there any other food people...
  4. cherrmin

    are my clownfish skinny?

    I was told that my clownfish looked skinny so I’ve been feeding them more. do they still look skinny? and how can you tell when they are?(I will put the picture on replies)
  5. SaH_UFA1L

    Please Help Identify These Corals.

    I am pretty new to saltwater and recently bought a bunch of frags for some pretty good prices. I would appreciate the help identifying them.
  6. S

    EMERGENCY Edge of 20 Gal Tank cracked .. Can i still use it?

    Hello dear Community I wanted to start up the aquarium today and rinsed it with osmosis water, but unfortunately the edge of the aquarium bumped against the bathtub. A crack has formed (See Pictures.. (third pic from the downside)) ... now my question... the aquarium still seems to be...
  7. O

    EMERGENCY Porcupine Puffer needs help!

    I’ve had a baby porcupine puffer for a couple months now and he’s been very happy. But recently in the past few days I’ve noticed lots of erosion of his fins indicating some bullying by his other tank mates which i thought was strange as he’s been fine the entire time i’ve had him in my tank...
  8. A

    Problems getting flow right in nano, especially for firefish.

    I've got a 9 gallon Eshopps Deskmate Florida. It's a couple of months old. Inhabitants: 1 Firefish 1 Orange stripe prawn goby 3 cerith snail 1 astrea snail 1 baby dove snail 3 Sexy Shrimp 1 Hammer coral 1 Rock Flower anemone 1 very small zoanthid colony Flow: AI Axis 20 return pump Jecod...
  9. R

    DIY Potassium Additive

    Hi reefers, I wonder if anyone can give some advice for source of Potassium Chloride for DIY additive. I recently ordered this powder from amazon (also posted screenshot in case people don't want to click on links), and it shows that it has no other ingredient other than potassium chloride, and...
  10. L

    Yellow watchman Goby missing

    Recently purchased a yellow watchman goby and shrimp combo put them in the tank two days ago and haven’t seen them since. Only two days have passed should I be worried I haven’t seen them??? I know they have made a cave already! After adding them (two days ago) I got my water tested and my...
  11. 4

    New Scoly looks like its peeling

    Hey everyone, I picked up a warpaint scoly last weekend at Reefapalooza Orlando and only noticed afterward that it has a chunk of flesh missing, which seems to be worsening each day. I already gave it a 6-minute dip in Revive when I brought it home. I have a couple of questions: 1...
  12. borrowedthemoon

    What the heck is this?!

    Noticed this this evening coming from two of my snails. Never seen it before.
  13. mdock

    Should I be concerned? -Trumpet coral

    I have this coral here and I noticed it is starting to get a white layer in the middle. I lost one smaller coral before when my tank was not ready for them. This tank has been up for 1 year. Should I be worried? Not familiar with LPS yet and would really appreciate help learning.
  14. sky414

    What’s wrong with my blue spot puffer?!?

    My new blue spot puffer has been in the quarantine tank for five days. This morning he had these three white spots on the right side of his belly. What is it? How can I treat it?
  15. smittyreefs

    traveled with a new torch, need help!

    just came back from reefapalooza and flew from Florida to Arizona with my corals. All is doing well except one of the torches i brought back with me is looking a little rough with some exposed skeleton, but looks much better than when i first arrived home. should i leave it lower in the tank on...
  16. R

    EMERGENCY What’s wrong with my nem??

    I just we noticed my anemone looking like this. It has… i guess a whole next to its mouth kinda? I’m not sure if it’s dying or if it’s splitting or what. Someone please help. Thanks
  17. taytay_1119

    Wrasse compatibility for 75g

    I have a 75g tank I’ll be setting up by end of the year. There’s a crap ton of wrasse that I like and need a way to narrow it down. Which wrasses are compatible or you would recommend for a 75g? I’d like to have 2-3. The wrasses that I have taken a liking to are: •Potters wrasse...
  18. T

    Ich woes, weighing my options before going full nuclear. Any help appreciated

    TLDR-is this ich? How screwed am I? Logistical nightmares ahead So the dreaded day has come.. I’m pretty sure this is Ich (tried to get a natural light photo during daylight. Pardon the blues in the video, that was taken this evening during low blue moonlight) Some context, so I have a heavily...
  19. cherrmin

    Goby is gone!!

    hello, i am fairly new to reefing and yesterday got a diamond goby. This morning i noticed he is just gone, i’ve heard they’re jumpers and checked the back of my tank and nothing. So far i only have 2 clowns, a few blue legged hermits, 2 conches and bloody mary shrimp. Any ideas where he...
  20. S

    Red Sea reef mat 1200

    I just set up the red sea reef two days ago and it is going through a crazy amount of the roll and rolling every couple minutes. Want to check if there is something wrong with my set up or anything else. Almost the whole roll in two days
  21. iGotJokess

    Kessil a360x vs a500x vs ap9x help

    I have a 180 gallon (6x2x2) and am looking for lighting options. Looking to have a mixed reef, mostly SPS. What would you recommend? I know with the xr15’s it makes more sense over the xr30’s, is that the same with kessils? I’ll probably supplement with (2) 6’ Quanta bars. I currently have a 90...
  22. AllyssaM23

    Seahorse eye bubbles

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this? It's both eyes, Anything I can do for him, is it to late to do anything? He is still eating by himself.
  23. L

    I need help with my hippo

    I’ve been treating my hippo tang with copper in a qt for almost three weeks and at first I was seeing results and now it’s worse. No water changes have been don’t. Should I increase the dosage of copper? (Look near face and on spine near tail)
  24. taytay_1119

    New 75g- help with stocking

    Hi all! I recently acquired this 75g clear-for-life tank and am needing suggestions/help with my stock list. The list of fish that I like and have interest in are: One spot fox face Bristle tooth tang Two-tone wrasse Multi color Lubbock fairy wrasse Adorned wrasse Yellow banded possum wrasse...
  25. Tariq-Shiwani

    Working on Automatic Tester, need help with preparing reagents

    Hi Randy, hope you are doing good, this is my first thread ever. My Background: I am a software engeer with 25+ years of experience. In hobby for past 4 years along with the above electronics is my passion and I do a lot of DIY stuff. no background of chemistry Goal I am working on an...