
  1. R

    Tank Almost Wiped out need Diagnosis

    Tank almost wiped out and not sure if it was Velvet or Ich TLDR at bottom Some context - 2x Clown Fish, Cleaner Shrimp, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Royal Gamma, Cherub Angelfish, last one I don't remember look a Blenny or a Jawfish. I recently added the Yellow Tang and a snail that didn't move...
  2. Matt Bravo

    EMERGENCY Ich in tank

    I recently had an ich outbreak in my tank, so far the six line wrasse and one of the clowns look the most I impacted. The spots have come out most on my six line and starting on my tang. I’m planning on setting up a 20g and putting dividers in the tank. I would have to do an in tank cycle so can...
  3. sarinaruu

    EMERGENCY need advice for fish with ich

    i’m really stressed out and need some ich advice my new coral beauty showed signs of ich, now 5/10 of my fish have a few spots just on their tails. i started a 10 gallon quarantine with copper power right before i noticed how many fish had it. (they are all about an inch but i have a coral...
  4. johnf3

    Is this ich?

    I recently got a juvenile blue tang and it looked great for the first week. I just noticed today some white spots on his tail and side of body. I’ve never dealt with fish disease before and try to buy from stores that quarantine. I know this blue tang was quarantined before I bought it...
  5. ito2

    EMERGENCY Clownfish died from what seems to be white spot. Help with ID?

    A while ago I made the poor decision to purchase a baby ocellaris clown to pair up with my already established mocca clownfish. I Placed him in the DT (which I’m now starting to regret due to the better safety precautions of owning a quarantine system) and he seemed fine for the first couple...
  6. H

    EMERGENCY Ich or Brook?

    My clown has small white dots on him for a few days now and they keep multiplying as the days go by, I've had him since May with no problems. I just want to confirm whether this is ich or brook.
  7. hexcolor reef


    Wanting to catch this early before it’s to late, is this a sign of marine velvet? My clown rang is eating a lot and doesn’t seem to be bothered just once or twice swiping against the sand on same side of discoloration. I have UV sterilizer running in display tank and was thinking about adding...
  8. belly14

    Is my tank crashing? - Advice needed!

    Hi All, So I have posted a few times with various issues over the last 6 months but am at a stage now where not entirely sure what to do... My 300L tank has been through hypo to treat a case of Ich and has been back up at normal levels for around 6 weeks. Ich seems to be back and my dog-faced...
  9. H

    EMERGENCY Clownfish looks sick

    Yesterday I lost a bicolor blenny, and after looking closer at my fish I noticed that my clownfish looks like it may have Brook or Velvet, could someone help me id and have any advice on treatment? His behavior looks ok for now, no itching and swimming around and he’s eating a bit. I hope it’s...
  10. B

    Blue hippo tang with ich that won’t go

    Hello I had an Ich outbreak in my tank took all the fish out and put them in copper power 2.5ppm and nitrofurazone they’ve been in there for 5 weeks already. All the fish are fine except for my hippo tang. He got better for a week or so than a week later now for the past 2 weeks he’s been...
  11. A

    EMERGENCY IS IT ICH?? Scopus tang hard to tell. Is this beginning of ich??

    Was in QT tank for 4 weeks. Put in display tank two days ago. Looks like the start of ich?? If it is am I just boned. Or can I take him out and not have the others infected if it’s only been 2 days
  12. P

    Niger Trigger white spot

    I have a Niger Trigger fish with a white spot. I’ve had him for 3 months now and he’s been in perfect health. The spot hasn’t multiplied or changed in size. It’s hard to tell in the photo but it looks fuzzy ish. No other fish has the spot and everyone has been eating. I don’t think it’s Ich, i’m...
  13. _aka_olive_

    Ich in my mixed reef

    Does anyone have suggestions for treating ich in my mixed reef tank? My tomini tang appears to have a good bit of white spots on his body. My clown has been acting really weird, breathing heavy, frayed fins. (I did a paragard dip today) My yellow wrasse is flashing against the Rocks. The...
  14. L

    Help with diagnosis (ich, velvet, brooke?)

    Hi Everyone, firstly I appreciate any help and/or advice you can provide. Pretty stressed out right now about the state of my tank and am unsure of where to go from here. A bit of background, my tank has been established for around 2 years now, most of which has gone smoothly. There was some...
  15. B

    Blonde naso tang swimming funny

    I’ve had this blonde naso for a little over 3 months. He was 2-3 inches when we got him and is fat and happy. He has grown a little in that time, always eats a lot and mixed diet. I use nori, nori pellets, spirulina brine, mysis , and tdo- so he gets a very diverse diet. 3 days ago I noticed his...
  16. belly14

    Ich reappearance AFTER Hypo

    Firstly, APOLOGIES as I know there are a million and one threads already about Ich treatment and management etc but I read so many I then get lost as to what to do so I thought I'd explain my situation and see if there is any specific advice to me... So new marine tank had Ich after about 2...
  17. ErikVR

    Keeping a powder brown tang long term

    Hi all, I've had my power brown tang for three months or so. My fish store sold him with the warning that they are very prone to ich. After the first month he already developed a bad case of it. Luckily I had no corals to speak of. So after some advice from the great people on here, I put my DT...
  18. N

    Ich or brook

    I've got some clowns and a blue spotted jawfish that have come up with some disease. It's been noticeable for about 5 days now. Attached are some pictures of the clowns and I'll try and get a picture of the jawfish.
  19. Saltyreef24

    EMERGENCY Is it Ich? Now what

    I woke up to my clownfish looking terrible this morning, with what appears to be Ich. It is much worse on my male than on my bigger female although neither looks happy. It is also prevalent on my banggai cardinal and firefish. As I haven’t had experience with marine Ich before, I’m not sure if...
  20. K

    Best ICH treatments

    realized this morning my puffer is starting to get white spots on his fins. Put him in a QT tank and currently dosed kick ich and rally pro. Has anyone has good luck with this? Should I not waste my time and go straight to copper? I’ve heard mixed reviews and I really don’t want to lose my fish...
  21. T

    EMERGENCY Is this ich?

    I have recently joined the hobby roughly 3 months ago and my copper that is 2 weeks new to me is showing some white spots on the fins. I’ve never seen ich before and looking at many different threads I’m still unsure to what this is exactly. Any help is much appreciated.
  22. J

    EMERGENCY My clownfish got velvet/brooklynella

    I recently bought a coral beauty about 2 weeks. I didn’t have the space around my house to put a QT so I put it in my main tank. I went on vacation for about a week and I noticed that one of my clownfish (8 years old) had white spots all over him. I suspected it was either velvet/brooklynella...
  23. D

    Ich on Bio Balls?

    Wow, I can't believe what I just did—looking for some reassurance. So, exactly 62 days ago, my DT caught ich. I completely dismantled the tank to pull the fish into QT with copper treatment. A few fish didn't make it, probably due to the copper and age, but the rest are healed and doing...
  24. JennyH3

    EMERGENCY Brown flukes? Black ich?

    I have given my hippo tang a few freshwater baths in the last 2 wks. White flukes don’t come off - maybe some look white but then it’s all brown stuff. He pooped in the water ‍‍- so large chunks are poop. Thoughts? My next step is the quarantine - I’ve done PraziPro in the tank already. Copper...
  25. hellenkellerisafake

    EMERGENCY yellow tang with ich maybe,

    my yellow tang only appears to have white spots in blue lighting but in white lighting they disappear? i don’t need to worry right? i can’t get a good photo of the spots they don’t appear on camera either. i am probably just extremely paranoid sorry for this