
  1. Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish

    Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish

    Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish relaxing in his new home!
  2. Is this the LFS

    Keeping lionfish fed while on vacation

    Hey guys, first post. I do not have my 40 breeder setup but this December I will and will be putting a dwarf lionfish in there and have the tank based around him. I hope to get him to eat frozen food eventually. My question is how long can he go without eating when I’m on vacation? And if it is...
  3. GentlePuffer

    New Jersey S/T Fuzzy dwarf Lionfish in jersey shore area

    Beautiful tame 4inch Fuzzy Dwarf available for sale or trade in jersey shore area. Was in my Predator nano tank and eats pellets, freeze dried, frozen food. Is not afraid of people, will stare at you all day and interact with you. Does jump so lid required. Looking to add more corals and need...
  4. Steven91

    What do you feed?

    Hey everyone, was wondering what everyone feeds their lions? Mine eats frozen mysis shrimp and once a week gets live feeder shrimp to mix it up. Thought about doing some fresh cocktail shrimp once for him. But what do you feed yours?
  5. AquaLocker

    GOT FISH??? We Do! Get them now at HUGE Savings!

    Here are some of the smaller categories we have! We will continue adding larger categories like Blennies, Gobies, Pufferfish, Butterflies, Anthias, Triggerfish, and more. Shop All Saltwater Fish here:
  6. Jake Tully

    Lionfish/ Eel Not Eating

    About 2 weeks ago I bought a snowflake eel from an LFS that had it eating krill just dropped into it's small tank (not from tongs or skewer). I introduced him into the tank and he has not eaten yet. At first I attributed it to getting accustomed to the tank and I did change my rock work a few...
  7. kennydoll

    lightning maroon clowns in a predator tank

    Hello fellow Reefers! it’s kenny again, and i have another question for you. i finally got my 125 gallon tank up and running again, so i can move my fish out of the 55 predator and into the reef once more. HOWEVER. i have a bonded pair of lightning maroon clowns and they are aggressive to my...
  8. K

    55 Gallon Predator tank

    Alright, so I am looking to start over with my tank since I only have a powder blue tang that I will be selling soon so I thought I would do a small predator tank. I have been doing some research and I have chosen to do a zoanthid garden coral-wise so there will be palytoxins so I need some...
  9. Decat

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, which tank should he go in?.....

    Here is my Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish in quarantine: Should I put him in my Coral Display (located in the middle of the sump below my FOWLR predator tank): Or should he go in my Damsel Tank: I have never had a Lionfish, so I am not sure which option would be the best for him. Do you think the...
  10. Ramiro Casal

    Lionfish in a 20 gallon till upgrade?

    I have a 20 gallon tank with plenty of live rock, 2 clown fish and fire fish and I really want to have a dwarf lion fish. I know they need a way larger tank than 20 gallons but I was wondering if I could house a very small dwarf fuzzy lion fish or a dwarf zebra lion fish in the 20 gallon for...
  11. Txdragonslayer

    Invasive Lionfish - A Story Map

    I just finished my thesis project for my Masters at USC. This is my last semester so i recorded a quick video before it is taken off the school servers to make way for the new students coming in. My degree is in Geospatial Information Systems, (Maps and GPS tech) Enjoy.
  12. alexytman

    Fuzzy Lionfish/Maintenance

    I'm looking into a dwarf fuzzy lion found at my LFS (he's about 2in maybe even less). However, I wanted this to be a reef setup with corals and would like to know if it is very difficult to stick frags on rocks without the possibility of being stung. Or do they just avoid your arm
  13. H

    Fu Manchu in the future

    Always had a special spot in my heart for Fu's, as it was a Fu that got my over my anxiety about having my hands in the tank with venomous fish when I first started working at my LFS a little over two years ago. After we sold him I hadn't seen one/been able to get one in until today, but of...
  14. wadew

    20 Gal. Tank. Lionfish? Eels?

    I have a 20 gal. NUVO 20 reef tank with a oscellaris clownfish and a royal gramma. I was wondering if I could add something cool, like a lionfish, eel, or something like that (A dwarf one, kind of goes without saying).
  15. Justin poirier

    New. Confused

    so I just started a 30 gallon marine tank fee live rock and filter skimmer etc. so at first I put a 6 line wrasse (I know their mean) to get bio filter going and to see if how he would do. He was doing great. I added the antenna lionfish that I originally wanted he's doing fine too. Then this is...