
  1. V

    BTA in new tank

    Hello, I found a really good deal on a bta but my tank has only been setup since early October 2023. My parameters have been pretty stable and in the ideal range this whole time and I’m not completely new to aquariums; I’ve had freshwater tanks before. The thing is that this is a nano tank...
  2. S

    Woke up to extremely cloudy water

    So i have a 32 gallon biocube which has been running smoothly for over a year now. The only filtration i run is a bag of chemipure blue under some intank filter floss, that along with weekly 5 gallon water changes have been enough to keep the tank stable. I woke up today and freaked out at the...
  3. V

    Nano stocking

    Hello, I’m looking to stock my Fluval evo 13.5. I saw someone on here that stocked theirs with a pair of ocellaris, a yasha shrimp goby, and a six line wrasse. I’m suprised how many fish they have in the tank since I see most people saying the maximum would be a pair of clowns. Can I stock mine...
  4. V

    Fluval evo stocking

    Hello, I’m looking to add fish into my Fluval evo 13.5 gallon. I’m 100% set on clownfish but I’m unsure if the tank would be too small for what I want. My favorite pick would be a maroon clownfish; can I have a single maroon clownfish in this tank or should I stick to one or two ocellaris?
  5. ScottishJamie

    2 weeks into Nano reef, Opinions?

    Hi all, I have broken down all my large tanks and started a nano reef build with the Fluval marine nano tank, I've changed a few things and I was wondering your opinions on how things are going and what I could do to improve bearing in mind this tank was setup on the 04/02/24, I will let you...
  6. kanders87

    14G Bowfront Nano Reef

    Well, I’ve been out of reefing for a few years. After moving 3 years ago, I just never re-set up any of my tanks…but now it’s time! I had this bowfront tank and aio filter that I bought pre-move, so I already had the beginnings of a cool little tank. Tank: Aquatop Eurobow 14 Filter: FijiCube...
  7. matskibanov

    Introducing "The Burning Cemetary" nano mixed reef tank

    Hello everyone! After several months in this hobby, I finally joined this forum but still as a silent reader, digging here and there for others' knowledge and experience. I gotta say that every single post and comment, even the contradictive ones, helped me much along the way as I slowly...
  8. J

    Best lighting for King Midas Coloration

    Hello! im new to keeping coral and picked up the King MIdas Zoas. I have noticed in my tank that the zoas look more of a green instead of the gold/yellow they are known for. Is it my light intensity? need to feed food/nutrients? My light: Red Sea 50 LED My tank: Fluval 13.5g
  9. A

    JBJ RF-25 Nano Build

    Hey everyone! I'm starting up my second tank and figured having a build thread going would be fun. I enjoy watching everyone else's progress, so why not give it a shot? Regarding my "style" I try to keep things as minimal as I can. My goal is to keep things as stable as possible with as few...
  10. legacy2mj

    Dry live rock “cook”

    I’m building a max nano cause a buddy just had it sitting in his garage, no real spacific plans with it, got a little nano sump built and plumbed in. Since Iv just been doing this on free time here and there nothing about it has been urgent. I have some dry live rock I’m gonna put in it. I have...
  11. borrowedthemoon

    Icecap K1 vs Magtool Skimmer

    Hello coral friends. I'm in the market to replace my aquatic life 151 skimmer for my 13.5 gallon AIO. The two I'm interested in are the Ice Cap K1 Nano skimmer ($100), OR the Mag tool nano skimmer ($75). Please don't respond with "you don't need a skimmer", just ignore and move on. All...
  12. S

    Do I need to lower my Alkalinity?

    Quick backstory, I have a 32 gallon biocube that's been running for about a year and a half now. I have been coasting well with weekly 5 gallon water changes and given the tank has looked great I had not tested the water for about 2 months. I was preparing to add a new fish and decided to test...

    Nano for the sake of nanoing

    Small fun tank that I wanted to put together and test some stuff out. Floating scape, 23k gold leaf logo with custom glass etching. Thinking of what to do next before I fill it up and pack it full of coral. Ps. Light dead. Will be replaced with something else
  14. ihatetomatoclowns

    15 Gallon Fluval Flex Build

    The cycle has began!!! I just started the cycle for my 15 gallon fluval flex aquarium. I posted a thread with all the equipment I'm using previously if you want to look. Looking forward to adding my first fishes, if you have any suggestions feel free to reply.
  15. mgh723

    26G Peninsula Stocking - Help

    I have a 26G Red Sea Max Nano Peninsula. I’ve had two clowns in there for a month and the tank was up for 3 weeks before they were added. Will the following fish be a good fit together in the tank, with the clowns: Yellow Watchman Goby Molly Miller Blenny Possum Wrasse I’d like to get the...
  16. C

    Help with a simple 6g nano Setup!

    So I work at an aquarium store and have lots of saltwater experience but I’ve never taken the plunge into reefing. At home I have a 20g salt tank with a pair of clowns, a lawnmower blenny, a cleaner goby and some inverts. That tank is well established and has been going strong for almost 3 years...
  17. O

    29 Gallon Build Confirmation

    Hello Everyone, I have been keeping freshwater fish for the better part of 10 years. However, I have finally decided to jump into the saltwater aquarium realm, as I have a spare 29-gallon fish tank. I have been watching all of the BRStv guides and reading multiple builds on Reef2reef. However...
  18. Danyole


  19. AquaHaven


    Currently setting up a nano reef and have a bunch of holestone laying around (never used). Is this stuff usable in a reef tank? Anyone has any experiences with this stone?
  20. B

    Upgrading Tank, Equipment Recommendations

    Hello! I started a 6 gallon nano and it is going well so far (zoas, hammer, frogspawn, mushrooms, GSP) but im already itching for something bigger, especially to appropriately house a few fish. I plan on getting an IM Fusion 15 all in one. I’m posting here because I’m asking for some...
  21. lil sumpin

    Reef Breeders Reef Nano LED

    Purchased in late July, used for 4 months and still under warranty for another year and half. This little thing packs a punch! Saw my mushrooms split, hammers and duncans grew some more heads. All in all it's a great entry level light for beginners. I ran it at 80% blues and 20% whites for 8...
  22. legacy2mj

    Radion XR15 blue

    I was really excited to get this light for one of my new builds. Just a little Red Sea nano I’m putting together to use as a frag tank. … The Radion is kinda weak par wise. No wonder the schedule puts it straight to 100%. I have a par reader and I Maybe 5 inches below water surface it’s hitting...
  23. B

    AI Prime? Upgrade recommendation

    I am interesting in upgrading the lighting for my 6 gallon nano tank. I’m currently running a 30W NICREW light which is serving me well but I’m looking for more spectrum control, intensity control, timing control, and user friendliness. My understanding is that the AI Prime 16HD would be a good...
  24. mgh723

    Will clowns get along with a possum wrasse?

    I have a 26G tank with a pair of Flurry clowns and no other fish. I’d love to get a Possum Wrasse but I am hoping you all can advise me as to whether this is a good idea.
  25. ewoolpert

    Let it go? Let it grow? Change it up? The struggles of being content....

    Any changes you would make or should I go hands off for a while besides regular maintenance. Move things? Add coral/Rock? Let it grow?