
  1. wvfeefkeeper80

    Quality Decline at LiveAquaria

    I started this hobby in 2020 and purchased a good deal of my livestock from LiveAquaria. I never received sick or infested items. Jump to 2024 and everything from fish to coral has arrived with disease or bad hitchhikers. My last two attempts at purchasing fish were ick riddled and died during...
  2. mdock

    Is this ick? Clownfish

    Not sure about the discoloration around his gill plate. He’s been hanging out in the top corner of my tank all evening like he’s trying to get out of the water.
  3. A

    EMERGENCY Fish diagnosis

    Royal looks like it may have ich or something but I can’t figure out what it is. Might be on my clowns as well. Can someone help me please
  4. Xxflounderxx

    Dussumieri Tang circle

    I just received this Dussumieri Tang from divers-den. And it has this circle on it any thoughts I added the fish into qt and it is eating. Any thoughts?
  5. V

    My clownfish is acting strange…

    My clown fish has been acting weird. Constantly laying on their side, but will swim when I walk up to the tank. Their color looks great, I don’t see any signs of an illness. I’ve had this clown for 7-8 years now. However. There does appear to be a slight purplish mark on their one side, but...
  6. Afkomjorgen

    Wellso / Trachy receding

    Hey! Tried to find a post on this but couldn’t find anything — more LPS questions from me. These wellso/Trachy are right next to several that are super happy. Per earlier post about meat corals I have not been feeding these corals adequately, so I am starting to do that now. What would you...
  7. michelleb

    White spot on starfish

    Hey guys! I’ve had this starfish for a couple months and at first she (or he) was under was under the sand a lot and come out every now and then. Recently she stays on top of the sand and I noticed this white spot on top. It’s not sand because it doesn’t come off. Also not sure what’s...
  8. T

    Clown fish abruptly sick?

    Hello, I have a clown that has been thriving in my tank for a week now. All the sudden it is breathing heavy, swimming on the sand bed, and not eating. The water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20ppm nitrate, salt at 1.026, tempature of 78, with a PH of 8.0. The only thing difference...
  9. T

    Lost a Seahorse

    Sometime last week, one of our 2 seahorses refused to latch and had some fairly poor behaviors where she started refused to eat. The situation reached a peak where we were dipping her in methylene blue for 30-45 minutes at a time with a bubbler + tube feeding him seachem mixed paste from mysis...
  10. borrowedthemoon

    Help! Sick fish!

    Does anyone know what this is up under his belly and how to cure it? He won't eat, either.
  11. T

    Clownfish Fast Breathing Help

    Looking for some advice on what could be wrong with my Longfin Clownfish. We are on morning of day 3 of him fast breathing and no real appetite but still moving around. I don’t see anything physically wrong with him. Time in tank - 2.5 weeks Recent changes: 6 Chromis and 1 Royal Gramma added at...
  12. R

    Is my firefish dying or sick?

    Does my firefish look like it’s sick or is this normal behavior? He usually hides in the live rock but he’s been coming out more often but will lie down on the sand and I really can’t tell if this is normal or not.
  13. B

    Cinnamon clown with spots during copper treatment

    Hello everyone my fish have all been in QT with copper power 2.35-2.50 ppm and nitrofurazone for the last 31 days. Since I had an ich on my purple tang so took everyone out. Currently in the process of setting up a new 125 gallon for everyone. I’m pretty sure copper never dropped below...
  14. Mochlate

    New Hobbyist: ich diagnosis confirmation

    This little guy has had some lighter patches of funk on his skin for a few days which you can still see, but today I am noticing this much more pronounced white spot. I'm guessing this is Ich based on what I have seen online but I am fairly new so I'm not sure. Any diagnostic input from more...
  15. T

    Coral beauty angelfish

    Can anyone help? I recently set up and bought fish for my saltwater fish tank. I originally received all the equipment from a friend and set it up about 2 weeks ago. I waited about 1 week and then bought the fish. I used Natures ocean Nutir Seawater. I bought caribsea live sand and a bag of...
  16. K

    Sick clownfish

    Help! Yesterday my black storm clownfish started acting sick. Water is in correct parameters, 77 degrees It’s Breathing very heavily and will swim eratically and then just sink and go on its side barely moving if at all. No noticable spots or damage. Not getting bullied. Have tried a fresh...
  17. B

    Purple tang possibly Ich

    Hello I had an ich outbreak a few months back tank when fallow for 72 days all fish were treated with copper. Now all the fish are back in the DT got 3 new fish one of which was my purple tang he was treated with copper along with the 3 other BUT seems like my purple tang has spots. He’s eating...
  18. MrMaTTpaT

    Clownfish has an eye problem

    hey guys, how are yall doin! i have a little bit of a problem, my little guy adidas(storm clown) looks like he has alittle bit of an eye problem, i stare at my fish hours everyday, so i believe that he mustve gotten injured, if anybody has any suggestions for her, please tell me, anyways...
  19. L

    Sick Clownfish!!! Odd behavior

    My clownfish has been sitting at the bottom of the tank like this for a couple days now. In the morning he swims up and eats but during the rest of the day he just stays low. I’ve had him for a year now and haven’t introduced any new fish ever since. Parameters are steady, ammonia, nitrite...
  20. L

    Lethargic Clownfish

    My clownfish has been sitting at the bottom of the tank like this for a couple days now. In the morning he swims up and eats but during the rest of the day he just stays low. I’ve had him for a year now and haven’t introduced any new fish ever since. Parameters are steady, ammonia, nitrite...
  21. SomeHappyFish

    Dead after 3 days.. Sixline past away unexpectly

    I bought this little guy Friday at 3pm. He looked normale and the guy at the LFS feed him some shrimp and he ate well, he even took his piece and went in his corner to eat. 30 min drive. 30 min temp acclimation. 30 min Drip Acclimation. Has soon has I added him to the tank he was relatively...
  22. Z

    Clownfish having trouble opening mouth to eat, heavy breathing

    My female clownfish is slowly starving, and I don't know what to do. She has always had a wonky looking mouth and jaw, that has never opened and closed like our male clownfish, who has a normal looking mouth. She never used to have issues with eating, however I have noticed recently that her...
  23. A

    Diseased Foxface?

    Today I noticed something strange on my Foxface Rabbitfish. His behavior is normal and he’s acting fine. There are small-medium spots scattered on his side and they look brownish/beige. They are like nothing I’ve seen before as it doesn’t look like ick or anything else I can think of. It’s only...
  24. M

    Royal Gramma stopped eating after 2 Banggai cardinals passed showing the same (lack of) symptoms

    I am very new to this, and I've been trying to take it slow and do everything right, but still managing to fail. This is a red sea nano tank, established March 19, 2023. Sorry it's long but I feel it may need a little background. The very first fish Royal Gramma I added to this tank had flukes...
  25. D

    Foxface unknown spot (have you seen this?)

    Need help with this. Spot on fox face. He's acting fine I've had ich before and lost a fox face to ich before I took all fish out and treated them for everything under the sun my tank went 85 days without fish so ik not 100 % but I'm pretty sure it's not ich in my system. One thing i was...