
  1. L

    Lost 2 fish in qt not sure why

    Just looking for everyone’s opinion and feedback on what they think could have happened So I started a quarantine tank. 20 gallon long with a coralife 40gallon filter. I have the fter pad and some anommia remover pad in there. PVC and a 100w heater. I have not medicated any of the fish. I am...
  2. O

    Day 4 Treating Blue Tang with Cupramine but he's still scratching his body

    My blue tang got ich and initially he was laying down all the time but after 2 days with cupramine he's swimming around and eating like a pig. The only problem is he's still scratching his body. My current copper level is at 0.5mg/L - 0.6mg/L. I test for copper everyday with Seachem Copper...
  3. L

    Starting Copper Power and Prazipro after Questions

    Hey Guys, I am looking to get a yellow wrasse Saturday and planning on QT this guy. My plan is to add him to the QT and watch him for about 2-3 days and make sure he eats and settles in and then start dosing copper power. First is this ok to do or do I need to start Copper right away or Have the...
  4. J

    Need help on what to do with White spot disease

    Hello everyone, I am currently facing a dilemma on what to do with my tank as treatment action. About a month or more ich or ich alike disease appeared on my tank and took out some of the fish. I bought a quarantine tank and placed the fish that seem to be sick on copper for a month aprox...
  5. nanobambam

    Fresh water dip ?

    Hi all, i’ve got two clown fish in my dt just live rock and live sand put in the clowns after cycling nother further so no clean up crew yet. One of the clowns started to show sign of a disease yesterday its brooklynella according to vetteguy53081 (thanks for helping!) Link to the clownfish’...
  6. R

    Tank Almost Wiped out need Diagnosis

    Tank almost wiped out and not sure if it was Velvet or Ich TLDR at bottom Some context - 2x Clown Fish, Cleaner Shrimp, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Royal Gamma, Cherub Angelfish, last one I don't remember look a Blenny or a Jawfish. I recently added the Yellow Tang and a snail that didn't move...
  7. ito2

    EMERGENCY Clownfish died from what seems to be white spot. Help with ID?

    A while ago I made the poor decision to purchase a baby ocellaris clown to pair up with my already established mocca clownfish. I Placed him in the DT (which I’m now starting to regret due to the better safety precautions of owning a quarantine system) and he seemed fine for the first couple...
  8. K

    EMERGENCY Royal Gramma Jaw issue

    Hi everyone, I was away for 2 days and came back to my Royal Gramma looking like this. Not sure what is going on. Fish was quarantined following humblefish methods. Fish has been out of QT for about 8 months and been eating and acting normal. Only tank mate is a small clown, it’s in my...
  9. H

    EMERGENCY Ich or Brook?

    My clown has small white dots on him for a few days now and they keep multiplying as the days go by, I've had him since May with no problems. I just want to confirm whether this is ich or brook.
  10. H

    EMERGENCY Clownfish looks sick

    Yesterday I lost a bicolor blenny, and after looking closer at my fish I noticed that my clownfish looks like it may have Brook or Velvet, could someone help me id and have any advice on treatment? His behavior looks ok for now, no itching and swimming around and he’s eating a bit. I hope it’s...
  11. E

    Snowflake Clownfish Body Discoloration

    Hi everyone, this is my first post. I hope its in the right place. I have been taking care of my dad's saltwater aquarium and noticed this discoloration on both sides of one of the clownfish. My dad has two of these and the other one also seems to slow a similar discoloration. Is this a...
  12. Saltyreef24

    EMERGENCY Is it Ich? Now what

    I woke up to my clownfish looking terrible this morning, with what appears to be Ich. It is much worse on my male than on my bigger female although neither looks happy. It is also prevalent on my banggai cardinal and firefish. As I haven’t had experience with marine Ich before, I’m not sure if...
  13. T

    1st timer quarantine - tips?

    Please excuse my ramble as I finish my morning coffee while trying to think through this process. Tank: 75g established and fully cycled. Parameters have been close to if not perfectly ideal for sometime now Ph: 7.8 Phos: 0.25 Amm: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5 Salinity: 1.025 Temp: 78-79 We added a...
  14. luke42

    Steps to treat possible brook

    We finally got our UV up and running so thought we would try to start tangs. Introduced 3 to our 180 gallon. One of them was a very skinny mimic tang. After 3 weeks, we never saw him again so assumed he had passed. LFS said we had a huge cleanup crew so monitor levels but do not tear apart...
  15. Scaggs1117

    EMERGENCY White spot near dorsal fin, only one on fish

    Hey guys, this morning I noticed a white spot near one of my clownfish dorsal fin. There’s only one on it’s body so I don’t think it’s the ich. I attached a picture even though it’s not the best quality. It’s sort of crater like raised a little bit. Was wonder if this was cryptocaryon or...
  16. Matt Bravo

    About to treat velvet

    I’ve talked to my LFS I have gotten advice of how to go about it. They recommended removing my sand bed because there might be eggs in there. Is there any advice that anyone could provide? This is my first time and I’m gonna be honest I am feeling extremely nervous and anxious. It is a royal...
  17. J

    Spots on gem tang (ich?)

    Hi everyone, I have several fish in quarantine right now and one of them is this gem tang. He is currently in a 55 gallon hypo-salinity tank with a blue jaw trigger, melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and a pair of long fin clowns. They were in my 265 gallon along when I someone managed to get...
  18. 707Nick

    Nuisance sponge removal id?

    So I believe this is some kind of sponge webbing across my lower base rock work. Any suggestions on how to remove it or animals that will do it naturally without destroying my LPS. I have the sponge underlined with a red arrow. please help and thank you. Happy Reefing. At first I did not mind...
  19. th365thli

    Ich treatment time for new fish from store

    I bought a coral beauty from a big box store, knowing most likely it had ich. Hard to find in my area and a great price, so I decided it was a good excuse to buy a quarantine setup since I'll need it in the future anyway. As expected, it started showing spots almost immediately in my QT. It was...
  20. A

    Anemone sucked into intake

    anemone was sucked halfway into the intake of my filter. I was able to gently remove him and dosed with iodine and maracyn oxy. So far he looks league's better than what he did a few hours ago, is there anything extra I should do? He's currently in a specimen cup in the aquarium with an air...
  21. S

    Weird little growth like thing on clownfish fin?

    Does anyone have any idea what this is on my clownfish? Weird little blip right on top of her armpit kind of. Whiteish and pinkish. I live in Florida and it’s been in the 30s here the past couple days. Wondering if it could possibly be stress related due to the changing of the water temperature?
  22. fishtankantibiotics

    Keep your fish healthy and happy

    Fish aid IS PROUD TO INTRODUCE AQUARIUM ANTIBIOTICS from Fish aid , a USA based company offering Pharmacuetical Grade USP quality products here in the US only! Choose from 14 different capsules and/or tablets in popular strengths and sizes. No prescription is required! Keep your fish healthy...
  23. Cole_Voeller

    Quarantine Questions

    Hey all! If anyone has seen my last post, the Melanurus is completely fine! I was worried over nothing. Anyway, I have some questions regarding quarantining my fish. So I have a 39 set up with 5 fish currently in it; tribal blenny, royal gramma, firefish, bluestreak cleaner wrasse, and a striped...
  24. M

    EMERGENCY Panther grouper skin

    Hello all, my panther grouper had a very bad case of ich where I saw it in his gills and all over his body. I treated him with therapeutic level of copper (cupramine) and all was good and he was back swimming. The ich was so bad it seemed to be underneath his skin and his skin was peeling off...
  25. E


    Hello! I received a Dejardini Tang the other day from someone who could no longer take care of it. However when I received it, it was in terrible shape. It looks like it has HLLE and I’m not sure if it has tail rot as it was previously housed with a porcupine puffer. I also can’t tell if there...