Embarking on Custom reef tank in Korea: A Deep Dive with Shore" !!


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Apr 27, 2024
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Republic of Korea
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Hello Reef2Reef Community,

I'm embarking on an exciting journey in South Korea, diving into the world of custom saltwater aquariums with my brand, [Shore]. Though I'm relatively young and sometimes find the prospect of starting something new a bit daunting, I'm eager to grow through sharing ideas and engaging in meaningful conversations.

At [Shore], we aim to craft personalized aquarium experiences that reflect the unique vision of each aquarist. From tailored design consultations to the selection of quality materials and professional installation, we're committed to bringing to life both serene and vibrant underwater worlds.

I believe in the power of community and the wealth of knowledge that comes from collective sharing. This is why I'm reaching out to you all. Whether you have years of experience in the hobby or are just as curious about the possibilities within the realm of reef aquariums, your insights and advice would be invaluable to me.

Follow our journey on Instagram [@shore.ofc] to see our latest projects and to get inspired. I'm open to all ideas, questions, and the possibility of collaborating to explore the depths of what we can achieve together in the fascinating world of reef aquariums.

Let's navigate these waters together and see where the current takes us.

Warmest regards, [Shore]