Possible Spinal Injury?


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Hello everyone, I rescued this long fin pintail wrasse from a local hobbyist a week ago and I can't diagnose his condition. He was bullied from other fish and he had to be taken asap. So I decided to give it a shot.

Back story: He was at the store for 3 weeks in copper and the hobbyist took him home because he looked healthy and swam normally. He hid most of the time due to aggression and finally the hobbyist decided to give him up. Before taking him home, I asked if he was still eating and the hobbyist did show me that he was still eating normally.

When I took him home, I did notice that he was swimming a little weird but chalked it up to injuries or possible swim bladder disease. He swam in vertical circles but I did not see any bloat.

Day 1: Fed him a little bit and lights were turned off to not stress him out too much
Day 2: Saw bloating so I didn't feed him anything. He was still active but was floating near the surface most of the time with a curved back
Day 3: Bloating was worse, looked like it was going to pop. So I decided to vent him. After the procedure, he stayed at the bottom, breathing was less heavy, no longer have an arched back and would try to swim. When he "swam", he was mostly vertical with the tail down. So I suspected spinal injury. Still, I did not feed him this day.
Day 4: Nothing significant happened. Still stayed at the bottom and would occasionally try to swim. I did see his swim bladder getting bloated again but nothing too crazy
Day 5: Bloating is worse today and I saw some scales were coming off. Fed him a little bit of mysis and he took it right away. I had to feed him with forceps though because he couldn't swim to the food fast enough to eat it. I also did a second venting that night and received the same reaction as the first venting.
Day 6: Fed him mysis again and he happily took the food. Bloat came back again that night but not severe
Day 7 (current day): Bloated and floating on top of the surface with a curved back again (curved as in he looked like he was trying to fold himself side ways). Still ate this morning.

Should I redo the no feeding for 3 days and feed him peas instead of mysis this time? Or is this a spinal injury and he might need to be euthanized? Any help is welcomed!


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I just turned on my light for the video so I had to poke him a little to get him to move so there's something to go off of

Jay Hemdal

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I just turned on my light for the video so I had to poke him a little to get him to move so there's something to go off of

There might be two issues here. The swelling is due to gas build up, either in the alimentary canal (gut) or the swim bladder. The curving of the body however, may well be UNWD. I've never seen swelling and UNWD together, but it could happen.

Neither of these issues seems to be something that can be corrected through treatment though....sorry!
We still don't know what causes UNWD and I've vented literally hundreds of fish over the years and have never cured any of those fish, the gas always seems to return. I even tried acetazolamide injections and I built a pressure chamber to reduce the gas volume, but those techniques were always temporary as well.

Here is the thread on UNWD:

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Unfortunately looks to be UNWD. Just had the same thing with my Pintail Wrasse. Currently no known cure unfortunately. I will let @Jay Hemdal confirm though.
There might be two issues here. The swelling is due to gas build up, either in the alimentary canal (gut) or the swim bladder. The curving of the body however, may well be UNWD. I've never seen swelling and UNWD together, but it could happen.

Neither of these issues seems to be something that can be corrected through treatment though....sorry!
We still don't know what causes UNWD and I've vented literally hundreds of fish over the years and have never cured any of those fish, the gas always seems to return. I even tried acetazolamide injections and I built a pressure chamber to reduce the gas volume, but those techniques were always temporary as well.

Here is the thread on UNWD:

Thank you for your help guys. That's a bummer... Looks like there's nothing else I can do here