Question about DT fallow and equipment


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May 29, 2023
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San Antonio
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So about a month or so ago I saw both of my clownfish struggling to breathe. They were breathing fast, not eating, staying on the sand, and they were definitely not acting like themselves. The thing is that I did not know what was happening. Besides those symptoms, they looked fine. No white dots, no slimy coat, nothing. I also checked my water parameters and they looked good as well. I do have a cardinal fish but he was completely okay. Either way, I was running out of time for sure because my clownfishes kept getting worse each day. I kinda played my luck and I built a QT tank and dosed some copper. Again, I didn’t know what was happening and I wasn’t even sure if copper would work, but luckily it did!!! I just finished dosing copper to all of my fishes. They’re doing well. I don’t know what this mysterious disease was, but glad it is over.

Now my question is: Since I don’t know what this was, my safe bet is to let my display tank fallow for 40 days more. The thing is, what about my filters in my display tank? I have a sponge filter, carbon, and biomax filter media. Do I have to replace everything? What will happen to the beneficial bacteria that I already established with it? I still have some invertebrates including a cleaner skunk shrimp in my DT as well as some corals.

Any info helps! Thanks!