Raising the Komahara blenny

Earlier this year I decided we would start raising fang blennies at our hatchery. They are inexpensive, peaceful, bold, and perfect for reef tanks. There are so many varieties of fang blennies, it's surprising that more breeders are not working with them. Out of three types of fang blennies we started with, our Komahara blennies were first to produce eggs. The eggs are deposited in PVC pipes, which are easily removed for hatching the larvae directly into larval tanks. Once hatched, the larvae can begin feeding on rotifers right away. Larval duration is about 25 days till settlement, which they'll quickly begin feeding on APbreed TDO pellets.

At about 15 days old, the larvae are quiet large and resemble tadpoles.

At about 25 days old, the blennies have settled into juveniles. At this stage, they are eating pellets and behaving like adults.

Perhaps one of the best videos I've taken of a baby fish, this Komahara blenny is making itself at home in the rasta zoas.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend adding fang blennies to any reef tank. Treat them like anthias, they do very well in groups. You can even keep multiple species together. Should they spawn in your tank, they are pretty easy to raise too.
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About author
chad vossen
Chad Vossen has been an active marine breeder and reef aquarist for over 10 years. Chad started Vossen Aquatics in 2012 to support the marine breeding research performed at home. Vossen Aquatics puts a lot of effort towards breeding angelfish, but also makes time to work with inverts and other fish as well.

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chad vossen
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