clown fish

  1. Jeevanmure

    Clown fish is stressful

    Hey everyone, I got a new pair of clown fish last week for my new reef tank. One of the clown fish is stress full sometimes and keeping rubbing to the glass but it is eating well. Can someone please help if it is normal. I also started using api general cure if any parasites
  2. M

    Help with aggressive Clown fish

    So I’ve had this pair of clown fish for around 2 months now and they have been fine for a while. Randomly the bigger one is starting to get really aggressive with the other clown fish. I think the smaller clown fish got injured because he’s swimming with side facing the surface. Should I wait...
  3. A

    Appetite Suppression in Possible Flukes?

    Hey Everyone, I currently have a very small clown in qt, about 3/4 of an inch which I picked up yesterday. The qt went through a full cycle and there is no ammonia detectable through the API kit as well as the seachem badge. I have currently dosed copper power at about 1.5 and in the next 2-3...
  4. Alexopora

    What are some of the hosts that your clownfish has taken up residence in?

    Here’s mine making my Plating Monti as its bed.
  5. B

    Clown Fish Not Pairing

    Have had 2 gladiator clowns for almost 3 months now and are still fighting. Similar in size but one is slighter smaller and gets picked on through out the day. He turns white as well. But overall health is good and eats. Got him out the back chambers about 5 times now even with a guard over the...
  6. D

    Injury and possible parasite on clownfish

    Hi collective wisdom, A couple of days ago I found one of my clownfish had an injury on her fin, I suspect it was an accident during feeding caused by the yellow wrasse who is a bit aggressive when eating, otherwise, there is no aggression whatsoever in the tank, I only have another clownfish...
  7. USMC 4 LIFE

    California Live Goods Pukani Rock & Fiji Pink Sand

    Selling due to move. Please text if interested (858) 610-9629. Local pickup only. No shipping. Long Beach 90803 • Tomini Tang • Designer Clownfish • Starry Blenny • Pukani Live Rock (60-70lbs) and Fiji pink sand - $400 obo
  8. jaime31

    Fish for sale

    NYC Manhattan area. I do not ship sorry I have a snowflake clown and a banggai cardinal up for sale.. I have a Trio clown pair that do not like the snowflake for some reason. I’ve tried multiple times to release him from his quarantine cage inside the DT but it looks like they are holding a...
  9. V

    How do you know that clowns didn’t match

    Hi, When i started the tank i had 2 blackstorms, my male was super submissive like only hang in one corner while the female just outside of the corner. When i was on a trip, my female found one little crack on my lid, and jumped out. Sadly. After a little while, i bought an orange storm, just a...
  10. B

    Illinois Live Goods Maroon Clown Fish - Show Size - Illinois - $200

    Maroon Clownfish - 5" Pick up only Zip code 60504 Asking $200 or best offer
  11. S

    Alabama Live Goods Clownfish & Goby : 55$

    Selling a pair of ocellaris clownfish and a yellow watchman goby. Downsizing tank for a while and need to rehome
  12. M

    Percula or Ocellaris

    Hey guys I got 2 clown fish, and they were both labeled as ocellaris, but when checking out they said that the darker orange one might be a percula. Can anyone help confirm and id these fish?
  13. G


    I have a 20gallon and wanted to upgrade to around a 40 to 60 gallon tank could I get a pair or 2 of Atlantic seahorses my fish I’d be transferring is a pajama cardinal which I know is ok but would a canary blenny and x2 clowns be good since it’s such a big tank and after the seahorses I plan to...
  14. Devildai

    Can i please get help with id?

    I had been eyeballing this guy for a while. I have a thing where I will pass fish through many visits and of they are still there they are apparently meant for my tank. The lfs said he was some sort of saddle back but I can not for the love of me remember the name he said. I appreciate it.
  15. B

    Selling off tank

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Selling off tank. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  16. Firepony

    Spotted clown

    Hello! So I got these 2, True Percula Clowns (says PetSmart) about 2 months ago. They were on sale so I got both of them. The darker one (I'm assuming is the female) is getting black spots on her body. My question is, is this normal? I mean I'm very cool with it, just curious :)
  17. jamchi16

    Hesitations about

    Hey guys just thought I'd share my experience purchasing off LiveAquaria. So I don't know who packaged this fish, but I ordered a snowstorm clown (prettiest clown IMO) and I was SO excited when it got in. Only to be shocked to see the bag of water laying directly on top of an ice pack with the...
  18. M

    Aggressive clown

    Hi all, this is my first fish tank. I have 2 small clowns very small. They have settled in very well and got through the cycle stage fine eating fine and looking healthy, although one is being very aggressive at the moment and I watched it take a big nip out of the ones anal fin the other day...
  19. Hannahmunt

    What is this on my clown?

    I bought this guy three days ago. I’ve noticed he’s covered in what looks like dust or white particles. he’s eating normally and swimming around fine.
  20. mdavi

    ID this clown please

    Can anyone id this clown for me? I would appreciate the help
  21. J

    New clownfish not eating

    I have a new pair of clowns and a yellowtail damsel in my 13.5g tank, they were added a little more than a day ago. After trying to feed them today both the damsel and 1 clownfish ate, the other one didn't. I tried putting food (flakes) exactly where he is since he is just on a corner on the...
  22. K

    Clown Fish not doing well

    We got a new pair of Clarkii Clowns today and we brought them home and they were acting fine at first. They ate during feed time, were swimming around the whole tank. We did a water change this morning before they went in. Just recently they started acting really strange, laying down on the...
  23. Salt Daddy

    Florida USA WTB Mated Pair of Gold Striped Maroon Clowns

    Located in Gainesville, FL. WTB Mated Pair of Gold Striped Maroon Clowns. Please contact me if you have a pair for sale or know of a pair for sale near north/central FL.
  24. W

    Daunting Stock List 109 gallon Peninsula tank - Clownfish Harem, Gem Tank, Blue Spot Jawfish, and so much more! Help me out

    Hello! I am pretty new when it comes to fish and how they get along with each other in saltwater. I am most likely going to get the waterbox 4820 which is a 109 gallon peninsula tank. I have the following fish and inverts that Id like to get and want to know how the temperament would be and if...
  25. JPR1212

    Mocha Vinci Clown

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Mocha Vinci Clown. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.