disease id

  1. M

    Not Ich, White/Clear spots on clownfish with abnormal behavior

    Hi, Reef2Reef! Long time reader and hobbyist. I have a mature clown that is having some issues. LFS is stumped and so am I. I'll start with tank params. Salinity 1.023 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0-5 PH 8.2 40 gal aquatop has been up and running for about 8 months. Everything else in tank...
  2. quesomuchacho

    Lil’ help? Damsel missing flesh

    Noticed my damsel wasn’t swimming around. Found it like this (see picture). Still swims, sometimes upside down. Very lethargic/easy to catch. It is in a “newbie mistake” overcrowded tank, but it’s generally peaceful. I’ve qt’d the damsel and have dosed my tank with Reef Rally Pro. I’m...
  3. Floopynoopers

    Help with Id on coral/whatever is going on

    Have had this coral in my tank for a few months ( not sure the name it was sold to me as a mushroom coral) and it seemed really happy grown heaps almost always opens up during the day (including today) however just noticed when the lights turned off that it had this going on. Any help would be...
  4. G

    Clownfish disease ID help

    Can someone help me ID this disease? I noticed a spot on this guys fin a few weeks ago but didn’t think it was anything until I saw this today.
  5. S

    Please help identify this white thing on my hammer.

    Hi, Can someone please help identify or explain what this white string growing from my hammer coral? It’s attaching to my rock. It’s about 1-2 inches long. Also, it has some small white spots(2-3) on its body. Tank is about 3 months old. ALK- 8 Cal-400 Nitrate- 8 Phosphate - 0.00 PH-8.3 Thanks!
  6. T

    Purple Firefish large white lumps

    Evening all, I have recently purchased a purple firefish for my nano tank. The fish comes from a copper treated tank from a supplier here in the UK who did the QT on my behalf. Recently i have noticed that the fish has developed 2 large white lumps on its side and top, shown in the attached...
  7. Mattc123

    Huge white growth on established clownfish

    Hi all. I have had this clown exactly a year now. It's had this spot on its side since shortly after I got it but it's always been quite small. In the last few weeks it's gotten to be quite large and I'm not sure what it could be. It's never caused problems but lately he's been having trouble...
  8. static416

    Fish steadily dying in QT. Breathing heavily with no other symptoms

    I had an ich outbreak in my DT about 26 days ago, and yanked all of my fish out of the tank, moved into multiple QT tanks. I have way more fish than tanks, and some would kill each other, so they are split over 7 QT tanks of different sizes. I consistently treated all of the tanks with Copper...
  9. S

    Black Ich or stinging?

    I have a Duncan coral, candy cane coral, mushrooms, and zoanthids. My Duncan pictured in the bottom right was closed up today, so that just makes me wonder if it is the Duncan by trying to host since he always has slept near it even before I put the Duncan in place. I also put a six line wrasse...
  10. N

    Why is my clownfish lethargic?

    Found one of my ocellaris clowns lethargic in the bottom corner of the tank tonight. His color is paler than normal and his breathing is labored. I’m not 100% sure my clowns have paired yet, but they seem to get along fine and he is a little smaller than the other. I was able to remove the fish...
  11. B

    Need help. Fish dying

    So I'm at a loss. All the fish in my tank died except for one scooter blenny I got when I first set up the tank. Tank was running smooth for the first 6 - 7 months. I had no issues and it housed a pair of clowns, midas blenny, goby and the last man standing the scooter blenny. The goby died...
  12. jacksoje00

    Lyretail Anthias - Diagnosis

    Hello All, please take a look at the two pics of just one of my Lyretail Anthias harem. The harem was added to the DT about 5 days ago and this is the only one that is displaying 2 wide light colored "bars" across the side of the fish. These bars are only on one side. Luckily the fish is eating...
  13. D

    Help identifying what’s wrong with clownfish?

    This morning when I checked my tank, there were no dots on this clown, but when I was checking this afternoon he was absolutely covered in them. I’ve moved him into a qt. Wondering if it’s ick or brook? I’m fairly new this tank is a year old and the clown I’ve had for maybe 8-9 months. I really...
  14. S

    Clown Stomach Bulging or Wounded?

    Hi! Like the flair says, a little bit of an emergency. Within the last 24 hrs, one of my clowns went from perfectly fine to this either growth or wound on her stomach. (Or best case scenario eggs? I know that’s prob not the case… However she is the female of the two). Other tank mates that I...
  15. Absolutekind

    White Spots for Weeks

    Hello and Happy Holidays! My Powder Brown Tang has had these white spots for three weeks now. I first thought it was Ich and have since treated the tank with copper power (two weeks in with therapeutic level) testing daily and maintaining between 2.0 PPM - 2.2 PPM. Any ideas what else this...
  16. JPR1212

    EMERGENCY Brook or ich????

    hey guys so I’ve been fighting a parasite which I thought was ich for the last week or two. I was treating with polyp medic lab, running a uv sterilizer, feeding nutrient rich foods and I thought everything seemed to be going ok. At first nothing got crazy better, but it didn’t get worse. So I...
  17. K

    Clown Disease ID

    I added two clowns to my third marine tank. They are the first guys in. He had this spot come up in his eye and it seems to be getting bigger. Any idea what it could be? I don’t think uronemia which I had before on some fish. The white horizontal line is gone but the spot is causing his eye to...
  18. R

    Please help identify if this is an issue.

    Hi everyone, I’m new to marine and have recently set us my first saltwater aquarium. I have introduced 2 fire shrimp and earlier this week (Monday) a royal gramma. All water parameters seem to be ok with no ammonia, nitrate or nitrite present and the KH,Mg & Po in check. I noticed my gramma...
  19. nycfreshreef

    Help with Goni not opening I am stumped

    Hey guys , I am completely stumped & have tried literally everything I can think of , if anyone has any suggestions please let me know I hate to lose this coral I got from Unique Corals that cost over $500 Background: UC Amazeballs Goniopora purchased from unique corals several months ago ...
  20. johnf3

    Is this ich?

    I recently got a juvenile blue tang and it looked great for the first week. I just noticed today some white spots on his tail and side of body. I’ve never dealt with fish disease before and try to buy from stores that quarantine. I know this blue tang was quarantined before I bought it...
  21. ito2

    EMERGENCY Clownfish died from what seems to be white spot. Help with ID?

    A while ago I made the poor decision to purchase a baby ocellaris clown to pair up with my already established mocca clownfish. I Placed him in the DT (which I’m now starting to regret due to the better safety precautions of owning a quarantine system) and he seemed fine for the first couple...
  22. S

    Help with identifying

    Hey everyone. I just noticed these white lines on my black Mollies. Can anyone help identify?
  23. H

    EMERGENCY Clownfish looks sick

    Yesterday I lost a bicolor blenny, and after looking closer at my fish I noticed that my clownfish looks like it may have Brook or Velvet, could someone help me id and have any advice on treatment? His behavior looks ok for now, no itching and swimming around and he’s eating a bit. I hope it’s...
  24. G

    EMERGENCY Clownfish contracted velvet or brook?

    Came home and found that my clownfish has dots on his head and white specks on his body, I can’t figure out if it is velvet or brooknella. Can someone also please recommend treatment for the fish? Sorry for the bad quality photos
  25. Mattc123

    EMERGENCY What is this growth on my clownfish?

    Hi all. About an hour ago when I was feeding my clowns I noticed this spot on one of them right at the bottom of the gills where the gills and body meet. Is it something to worry about? It's head also seems to be bumpy/indented on one side as well which I will include pictures of. I just so...