hammer advice

  1. W

    Skeleton showing on hammer

    Hi, I’ve been struggling to keep this hammer happy the past few days, during the day it looks some what deflated and during the night it fully retracts and shows skeleton. I’ve been struggling to keep parameters stable the past week. My alkalinity seems to drop from 7.7 to 6.9 in about 3 days...
  2. L

    receding tissue on wall hammer

    started my first reef tank 3.5 months ago, got this hammer 5 days ago not realizing it was wall and not branching. i understand that these are much harder to keep and while it’s opening up and looking happy during the day, i’m noticing a little tissue recession and some exposed skeleton. i’ve...
  3. Sarabeth3412

    Brittleness of hammer

    I had accidentally hit one of my hammers last week during a water change and the one branch broke off; it was a clean break though and all looked fine with the main hammer. I put the broken piece in my other tank. This morning I looked in my tank and I noticed that the main stem is breaking...
  4. T

    Hammer dying?

    Would anyone have some insight as to what’s going on with this hammer? The polyps on one of the heads seem to be receding in the middle? Thanks!
  5. G

    Honey I shrunk the Hammer?

    Gold Hammer head in photo seems to be a grumpus, not sure why? grumpus meaning shorter closed polyps and what seems to be like the gold colored polyp heads flapping, almost handing on by threads nearby corals seem to be doing well, perhaps stinging? Not sure! Help! Haha would love any...
  6. J

    Hammer coral recovery

    Hello. Got a question about hammer coral as this is my first time having one. I know they prefer moderate light and flow and while I thought I was providing that it seems maybe it was still a little to much. Some of the polyps retracted back into the skeleton. Since then I’ve dialed things in...
  7. Izzy’sReefTank

    Hammer advice

    Have this one head on this hammer, that I got a week ago not wanting to open today, the other 4 heads look just fine, any thoughts on why it doesn’t want to open fully today?
  8. OldRed1

    Dipping In CoralRX and Iodine?

    I purchased my first coral recently, a hammer coral, and want to make sure I properly dip the coral before placing it in the tank. I have read about dipping in CoralRX as well as dipping in Lugol's iodine solution and have several questions: (1) Should I do both back to back? If so, should I...
  9. S

    Hammer coral white growth

    Had this white stuff growing on one side of my hammer for about 3 weeks anyone know what it could be?
  10. OuteastREEFS

    Calling all Hammer collectors!! Must have colors for your garden. Use Code R2R for 10% off any order

    CLICK BELOW TO PURCHASE Gold Tentacle Teal Tip Hammer https://outeastreefs.com/Gold-Tentacle-Teal-Tip-Hammer-p493280478
  11. P

    Hammer coral deflating and droopy

    Hello Recently my hammer corals that I have had for >6months have started to wilt and deflate. For a while I was just keeping an eye on them to see if they would recover, however, it seems to be spreading to some of my other hammers and one hammer has completely lost a head. Tank has been up...
  12. Wadijhe

    EMERGENCY hammer fabric retreating

    meu martelo de ouro começou a puxar o tecido de repente! estavam bem, outros tipos de martelo estão bem, apenas o ouro começou com o problema! o que poderia ser? parâmetros salinidade: 1025 KH 6,5 cálcio 360 magnésio 1170 nitrato 5 0,1 fosfato iluminação 2x HQI 150W
  13. R

    Unhappy Hamer coral after parameter swings.

    Hello reefers, My last post somehow ended up without so I am reposting. i have this hammer coral which won’t extend its polyps. Everything else in the tank is opening, but this one is unhappy. Before it was on weaker flow and I tried moving it but that’s not the cause. so what happened is...
  14. J


    When I first got my hammer coral it was fully open and I got deployed and had my wife feed and do my water changes. When I came back home I realized that the middle of the coral would be retracted but the outsides would be open. I also noticed that it was in the process of splitting into two...
  15. kkircher

    Hammers turning white, but on the non light side

    Hello reefers, I have 2 hammers both with about 5-6 heads that over the past 3 weeks have started to turn white. My first thought was bleaching from light, but the odd thing, they are bleaching on the underside not facing the light. My tank is mostly euphilia and my lights haven’t changed in...
  16. Guy317

    Is this hammer coral budding

    Hi so I was looking at my hammer and noticed these little buds sticking out of the base I thought they split the heads but do they bud too there’s 4 of them sticking off the base
  17. JayFish4004

    What gives with hammer corals? Why so difficult?

    I really enjoy hammer corals, but for some reason they seem to be the only coral (outside of SPS experimentation) I’ve had troubles with since starting my first reef endeavor 10 months ago. Parameters have been good enough to keep everything else happy, but for some reason I’m now on my 2nd...
  18. Floedog

    Is my hammer head splitting?

    Is my hammer splitting???
  19. CRath

    Hammer coral growing hanging heads

    Hi there, I have the weirdest thing going on with my hammer coral. I have a gold branching hammer that is growing in a weird way. Its new heads are growing as if they were some wacky wall hammer. One of the heads is growing skeleton, but is only attached to the colony by tissue...
  20. PMReef

    Can a coral partially die?

    I have had this hammer a long time and suddenly a couple of heads changed looked stressed but the other part looked normal. So my question is if can a coral die partially like the photo.
  21. J

    Want to get your opinions on my hammer corals

    I recently moved my hammer corals since I change my aquascape (about 2 weeks ago), I moved my hammers lower so that they don’t get blasted with flow. Now they don’t seem to open up as much as they used to.
  22. JennyH3

    Hammer OK?

    Does my hammer look ok? One of the branches always is spread open a bit with mouth open a little.
  23. djm

    Hammer Coral Help

    I’ve had a branching hammer coral for around 9 months and it’s been doing really well. Earlier today it was fully extended and happy. This evening I’ve looked and it is very shrunken and looks like a brown ballon coming from its mouth. Never seen it do this before. what could this be?
  24. R

    EMERGENCY Red on hammer?

    Hi guys, Does anyone know what this may be? There seams to be 2 red masses and one small red mass on my hammer. I’ve had the hammer a month and the first 2 weeks everything was okay, but the last 2 weeks it just hasn’t opened fully, I’d say it’s opened about 70% max. I was wondering if these...
  25. N

    Hammer Coral help

    Hey guys, I’ve had a hammer coral for 2 months now, and it was looking great, at the start of this month it looked as if it was getting bigger, and now in the past two weeks the front edge hasn’t been extending and is retracted into the skeleton. at first I thought maybe my clowns or snails had...