
  1. S

    light for new aquarium

    so far ive only had freshwater tanks, recently though ive ordered a waterbox peninsula mini 25 gallon tank, measurements are 60cmwidth×40depth×40height, what would be a good lighting option for a tank this size with only soft corals
  2. S

    AIO Build stalkem's Oceanic Biocube 29 HQI (first SW tank)

    I guess I started my "build thread" in the Meet & Greet section. Feel free to visit, Newby with a Nano Reef! And I liked @Blopple's build format, so borrowing that... thanks! Growing up, I had several freshwater tanks. Probably wasn't great at it, but had fun with it. Recently, a friend's mom...
  3. B

    What do I have?

    So I am new to saltwater and reefing. I have kept freshwater for some time and recently did a fish sale for store credit with a local fish shop. The fish shop is more of a fresh water store, but does sell some saltwater fish and coral. The only coral they have labeled is their high end $200 and...
  4. S

    Hello Newby with a Nano Reef

    A friend recently gave me an Oceanic BioCube 29 HQI, which I've done a deep dive into for my 3 year old's enjoyment. Free tank and then ~$2,000 later... and I'm about 3 months into the endeavor. Open to fish/coral recommendations (towards the end of this). Water Parameters: Temp is about 77°...
  5. souciemm

    AIO Build Matt's AIO Clear Mini 6 build

    This is my second saltwater tank and first build on reef2reef (also posting on another forum). I’ve been doing freshwater for 30 years or so (as long as I can remember), and started a 20 gallon nano about a year and a half ago. I used a Waterbox Clear Mini 6 to build a custom AIO using 1/8"...
  6. C

    What is this creature looking thing that’s appeared?!

    Hi, Put a new piece of rock in the tank recently and this thing has suddenly appeared at some point today. Anyone any ideas?? It looks as though it’s “breathing” in the video but I can’t be sure with it being on the power head. Every days a journey with a new reef tank
  7. lk_reef

    Hello Hi from Sri Lanka! Where the powder blue tangs comes from!

    Hi guys, Yes, I'm from one of the countries where the powder-blue tang comes from! Im planning to build a 20G reef tank, and I have learned the basics. I have a quick question, I cannot find ammonium chloride but I was able to get nitrifying bacteria. I'd like to know if I can ghost-feed and...
  8. C

    What’s on my hammer Coral? Please Help a noob!

    Hi there, my husband set a reef tank up a little while ago but I do a lot of the day to day with it. I’ve noticed over the last few days the hammer coral has got little raised white spots on the head of some tentacles. Can anyone help identify them please? Please don’t ask me about water...
  9. C

    Hello Hello.

    Hello i would like to introduce myself and go over my reefing journey so far. I had a 55 gallon fresh water tank around 12 years ago and learnt a lot of painful mistakes regarding the nitrogen cycle, and not overstocking a bunch of fish into a newly set up tank, but i always thought it would be...
  10. nano_medina

    Hello New to the community

    Hey lads and ladies, I'll come with LOADS of questions next weeks So good to see this community I had some good experience with freshwater live stock and eventually switched to a lovely killies community back in my home country (Argentina) where the "annual" species are so diverse and...
  11. S

    Designing tank, any advice welcome!

    So I’ve made the choice to build a 75 gallon tank out from scratch when we move to our next house at the start of the year. I currently have a 40 gallon breeder that I’m going to source live rock sand, and half the water from. Going to use the 40 gallon as a quarantine tank or frag tank...
  12. fotuskyt

    Cycling: water change or leave it be?

    On day 8 of Dr Tim’s fishless cycle with one and only and ammonium chloride in an IM Nuvo 15. Set up is mostly 15lbs dry rock and dry aragonite with maybe 5lbs of live rock from my 20gal so not starting with a large established bacterial population. followed the chart but only dosed the...
  13. D

    Live rock growing colours

    Just wondering what the dark green and yellow patches are on this one piece of live rock
  14. H

    Hello Absolutely new to the Aquarium life

    Hello, Just purchased a Red Sea 200xl G2 as my first tank. Currently cycling it. Put Fritz Turbo Start 900 and daily dosing MicroBacter 7 (1 Cap) I believe I will be doing a mixed reef tank. A few LPS but mostly SPS I think they are called. Torches, Anemones, Hammers. Etc Fishes - I really...
  15. Q

    Cycling questions

    So, I started my cycle on the 7th and it’s now the 25th. Based off of the tests I have taken today it seems like the tank is still cycling. I think the ammonia is reading very close to zero. While the nitrite is reading around 0.25 ppm. As for nitrate it’s most likely sitting between 20 ppm - 40...
  16. Wasteoftime247

    My first attempt at placing rocks in my first tank. What do I need to fix?

    So here is my first attempt at placing rock. I plan on using this as a mixed reef tank. What do you all think I need to fix? I haven't glued anything together yet and I still have a full box of arches. I want to make sure I have lots of places for fish to hide but still be able to see them. Do...
  17. SteveDe

    Hello Newbie…and I’m hooked!

    Hey everyone. New to the hobby…I’m already hooked. Growing up. Always had fish tanks around my house and my grandparents home. But I was too young to understand or even care to take an interest beyond just looking through the glass… Decided I wanted to give my kids something to look at…and I...
  18. clownfish:)

    Newbie trying to figure out water options: well water (tested) and/or purchased RO water

    Hello! I've recently purchased my third tank, a 30 gallon, and I'd love to set it up as saltwater. (My other two are freshwater.) I've been digging through the research, but I'd really appreciate some outside perspective and advice. My biggest hurdle, right now, is deciding on water. I've seen...
  19. Hatuey

    Build Thread Journey of my Waterbox 50.3 AIO

    The Pre-krill Dear 55 Gallon, I bought you through impulse But never regretted it…much You taught me what I know And raised the Mbunas Who terrorized each other…very often Yet, I settled with them I was afraid of the reef Now it’s time to end this chapter And start fresh salty You will be sold...
  20. laconic

    Clearwater Algae Scrubber

    I am new at the hobby. The lfs said a refugium would be helpful soon. I saw the Clearwater today in a YouTube video. Does this do what a refugium does. thanks
  21. Hatuey

    Hello What’s crackalackin!

    Saying hello to the community. About Me: Decided to upgrade from African Cichlids and have been waiting all my life to get into this hobby. Waiting for my Waterbox 50.3 to arrive next month while wifey and I work on the aquascaping. Taking my time and enjoying it. Looking forward to...
  22. borrowedthemoon

    Stocking Fluval 13.5, 2 clownfish died idk why!

    I am very new to the saltwater game, after successfully running a breeding cichlid tank for years. So i got myself an evo fluval 13.5, live rock, live sand, and its all cycled and ready. Tank is maybe 3/4 weeks old now. Algae forming a out a week ago, I got an: emerald crab, 1 narssisus, 1...
  23. Scags02

    They keep dying…

    my fiancé and I started a new reef tank, we have 2 clowns, 1 cleaner shrimp and 3 bluer leg hermit crabs in a 29 gallon tank. Everything was thriving until…. Yesterday we got a diamond goby and a Midas blenny fish. The fish seemed really stressed and I fear my fiancé rushed the acclimation...
  24. L

    Seperate refugium tank above sump, below display tank?

    I'm doing research ahead of time before buying and setting up my first saltwater tank. It will be FOWLR, with the exception of possibly an anemone down the road at some point if/when I'm confident I can take care of one properly. The display tank will be in the range of 20-30 gallons and the...
  25. V

    Cycling and When to set up the Refugium

    Hello there! So I just started cycling my aquarium, a fluval 123l (32.5 US Gallons), used dead rock, Caribsea Ocean Direct Natural Live Sand and a bottle of Dr Tims one and only, thrown 130 drops of Dr Tim's ammonium chloride (4 drops per gallon) and 6 days after I'm with 0 Ammonia but 2ppm...