
  1. beyer

    Add water to quarantine tank?

    How do I top off my 10g quarantine throughout the weeks using it? I added my display tank water and I thought I heard somewhere that I top it off with it as well, but wouldn't that increase my salinity?
  2. MarineDepot

    VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never!

    VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never! Speed up cycling, deep clean, or start a quarantine tank!
  3. E

    Quarantine tank advice for existing display?

    I have (new-ish) a 90Gal display tank that has been setup 7 months now, which is an upgrade on my previous 20Gal tank. I have now set-up my 20Gal as a permanent quarantine/hospital tank. I have transferred my 3 fish over to the main display where they have lived happily for around 4 months...
  4. Rich Cooper

    Reputable fish stores

    I have been searching across many forums and have come across discussions on this before but have failed in locating it. I'm searching for aquarium with known quarantine procedures prior to sales. Unfortunately while qt at home I have had poor luck in either my qt process or have had worse luck...
  5. revhtree

    Here we go TTM!

    Well I'm set up for my first go at TTM or the Tank Transfer Method! See anything I might be missing? 20g tank
  6. Tristan

    Can fish be asymptomatic?

    I had watched a short documentary on Typhoid Mary and how she passed the disease on to so many others without being affected at all. So I was wondering if the same thing could happen with fish. For example: quarantine a fish for 2 months, no symptoms, but then when you add that fish to your...
  7. AmatuerAuer

    Hippo Tang ailment 8 weeks into QT??

    50 g QT tank with HOB filter and ammonia badge. Heater and power heads and airstone. Stock List: 2 small Clowns 1 Royal Gamma 1 small Foxface 1 small Hippo tang 1 med Powder Blue Tang They went in to QT on September 22nd, and since then have been treated with multiple rounds of Prazipro and...
  8. Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 02/2021 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine aquarist...
  9. Alexpora Corals

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 10/2020 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine...
  10. mgoesma

    Other options besides quarantine

    So I do not have space for a quarantine tank. I am looking for other proven options. I have a UV starilzer. I have read about fresh water dipping and other methods with buckets. I really don't think they are realistic. They both seem like they would stress the fish. Looking for others experience.