sump advice

  1. W

    Tiny sump?

    Hello all I’ve posted here many times and have learned a whole collection of things having been informed on how to stock the tank, setup my skimmer and all hosts of things now I’m here with a question about setting a sump/refugium but for a nano tank! Ive got a fluval evo which is 13.5 gallons...
  2. Devildai

    Acquired Sump set up

    I just acquired this sump from someone leaving the hobby. I didn't look too close at the sump until now and was wondering if anyone had ideas on chamber order or set up.
  3. E

    Sump very loud help!

    Hello everyone, I’m a new reefer and recently bought a tank from a friend. I rebuilt everything and finally filled it over a course of a week. Everything is running fine but my first problem I’ve had is the sump being very loud. It seems to be the overflow pipe running into the cylinder has a...
  4. L

    Adding a Sump to an Existing Tank

    Hello! I have a 20 gallon long aquarium with a Tidal 50 HOB filter. The filter is running fine but I would like to plan to add a sump to the tank and remove the HOB filter just for additional space inside the aquarium. I will likely use a 10 gallon aquarium, or build a custom tank and add...
  5. O

    Sump transfer

    I have an older sump with display straight to sump and live rock with no socks. I want to upgrade my sump but it’s well established and I’m concerned about disrupting the ecosystem with a brand new fresh sump (same live rock). Is there a concern? Tips? Tricks?
  6. N

    My return on refugium make too much noise

    Hello, in the picture is part of my sump, I have a chamber in the top part that acts as a refugium, it’s feed by a sicce 1.5 pump for the intake. The output is a 3/4” elbow with a hole drill in the top corner of it, was trying to get air out, ended up main it worse. I end up plugging the elbow...
  7. A

    Nano Build What is a good sump for my Fluval Flex 32.5g?

    As the title states, I have a Fluval 32.5, but I soon plan to redo it. I am going to modify it by taking of the AIO system and putting a sump underneath, but I do not know which overflow to go with. I chose the XAqua InOut Overflow, but after more research, I am unsure if it is the right one to...
  8. A

    Is adding a sump to the fluval 32.5 too much filtration?

    I have a Fluval 32.5 that I plan on completely redoing since I was unaware the stock items are not that good (this caused my tank to crash). I am wondering if I am able to add an overflow leading to a sump as a little add-on from the normal filtration. I would have it as an extended part of the...
  9. A

    Fluval 32.5 reconstruction

    I have a Fluval Flex 32.5g tank with the stock items. I now realize that was a mistake and I plan to clean out the tank and start from scratch. One thing I am thinking of doing is having the normal built-in-filter lead to an overflow for a sump (10g) that I plan to put under the tank. I would...
  10. Triggerfish124

    40 Gallon Sump not fitting inside stand

    Hi, So I'm trying to get a 90 gallon saltwater aquarium set up. I have the tank and stand, tank already has holes drilled. I purchased a 40 gallon tank to use as a sump. By my calculations, the length and width of the 40 gallon should have fit into the 90 gallon stand. Unfortunately the trim...
  11. Billyjose4

    Advice/Help With Sump Order

    Hi Everyone. Planning on setting up a 225gal mixed reef tank. Looking for some guidance on where (and what order) to house all my gear inside my sump. Here is my plan so far: Red section (drain): 2 Red Sea Rollermats Yellow section: Protein Skimmer Green section: Bio Pellet Reactor Blue...
  12. K

    Help with sequence of events

    Hello everyone, I would love the opportunity to pick your brains a bit. So I am in the process upgrading from a 54 gallon corner tank to a 125 gallon I bought off of Facebook. (Pictures to follow). I cleaned it up, drilled it, and modified the stand. I now have a 30 gallon three stage sump and a...
  13. S

    help- new sump question

    Getting a new tank ready, just transferring all water fish etc into it which is already cycled but I need a sump. This is what I have- light (Need new one, put recommendations below cheaper the better), fluvial mini protein skimmer, heater, a return pump from an old fluvial 13.5 also which idk...
  14. G

    New to Sump Need Help

    Hello all! I currently have a JBJ 45 gallon cube AIO reef tank but have been recently trying to upgrade to a larger size with a sump. I’ve never used a sump so I’m not sure what to do and I also don’t really know what I’m looking for when getting one and I’d really like some advice! I found a...
  15. R

    Filter roller on nano sump

    Has anyone tried or has a Kril DI-4 drop in fleece filter roller on a eshopps nano sump? Would this even work? It says it fits the sock holder and looking at the sump, the cover for the intake would have to be removed.
  16. Billyjose4

    Getting back in after 15+ years! Sump Filtration Questions

    Hi Everyone. Getting back in after a 15+ year hiatus. Bought a 225gal (72"x24"x30") reef ready tank. 2 corner overflows. Since the technology has changed so much, I'm overwhelmed about what all I need (or want) in my sump below the display tank. Any and all feedback is both welcomed and...
  17. S

    Wanting to build a refugium in my red sea reefer 350 v3 sump. Need advice

    Hey I am wanting to use a section of my Redsea reefer 350 v3 sump for some chato to help in nutrient control as I don't wish to use Nopox and id like to try the more natural approach i can see with my eyes. Unfortunately the 350's sump all be it spacious gets cramped once you have; heaters...
  18. Jsquarz

    Best protein skimmer for 140 gallon fowlr

    I recently set up a saltwater tank that’s 140 gallons and I just set up my 40 gallon sump and took down my canister filters. I’m wondering on hearing everyone’s opinions on the best skimmer to get quality, best bang for the buck, esay to use, clean, etc. my price range would be about $300-400.
  19. O

    Waterbox Sump question

    Hey there everyone. Fairly new to the Sump system since I’ve only dealt with AIO tanks since I first started. I got a used Waterbox 60.2 but looks a bit like the last model. The sump looks pretty straight forward but is there a place for me to add a filter sock in this? I’d love to hear your...
  20. agame2021

    Extra large sumps without breaking the bank

    I am building a clownfish wall for breeding and want a large sump and I have 72 inches long. How big should I go? I was thinking 75 gallon atleast?! Is that too big? 50 gallon?! should I buy a fancy one or should I get a cheap tank that fits my measurements and build my own? Or should I just...
  21. BurgerFish

    Best way to fix my SUMP

    Hello, At first, I want a Triton Method and create my SUMP like this: Refugium - Skimmer - Pump But now my refugium is always dirty and the skimmer sucks the pods. All the dirt settles in this chamber. I regret not making it like this: Skimmer - Refugium - Pump But how can I fix it now? The...
  22. NeedAReef

    Shrimp in my sump?

    So, I put a pair of peps in my fuge section of the pump to float. I had several bags of things.... Well when I was opening all the stuff yeah my peps went in the sump accidentally ... I have a standard three section sump. First is Skimmer chamber from the tank then overflow into fuge then...
  23. c_johns89

    DIY refugium in sump with a pond plant basket?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently using an old oceanic 20g sump that only has two compartments. One for the return pump and the other for everything else (this includes my skimmer, heater, some live rock, and carbon). I was thinking of trying to set up a refugium to grow some macroalgae with a...
  24. kennedysherman

    Fluctuating Water Level in Sock Chamber. Suggestions?

    I have a 90 gallon Pro Star AIO that we filled up for the first time earlier this week. We cannot get the water level in the filter sock chamber to stay at a consistent level. We've tried dialing up/down the water flow as well as manipulating the level of the return pump and the water is still...
  25. rene9898

    Help with relocating sump to Garage

    I have a Reefer 350 with the stock V3 sump. I want to relocate sump to Garage. The tank is against a wall that is next to the garage. So plan is to hard plumb everything. I would like to find a 100 gallon sump as it will need to house my skimmer, 2 media reactors, UV, 3 heaters. I will need to...