Thank you for the heads up, I specifically went through this lfs for that reason they do all the quarantine themselves and I pick them up when they are fat,happy, and disease free. I think they keep them for at least 15 days treating them. I paid a little extra but it beats me taking the loss of fish out for those chromis in qt. i had 7 of them in my 40 gallon coral qt and like clockwork lost 1 every 2 days and now left with 2. they where well fed so until i did my research came to find out they are very aggressive to their own kind. now i have only 2 in my 400 gallon healthy as can be. looking back i wish i had separated them soon after the first one died.
I’m probably gonna go this route again for my school of anthias order a bunch and pick them up after they’ve been treated, fat and happy. Cause I’m sure there gonna be some floaters.
like you mentioned it’s tough quarantining schools of fish especially chromis. I’d rather pay more per fish, and have them do the work.
Even after the lfs gives me a clean and happy fish, I might still do another quarantine myself for sometime. Just to make double sure I’m not introducing anything to my display. I hate ich, velvet, all that fun stuff that’s impossible to get out of main displays.
I will have a running quarantine system set up at all times for new fish. Thinking about a 60 gallon from petco when they have the $1 per gallon sale again.