Cichlid Dad
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I like the natural light in the picture!1.5yr old 50g DIY AIO Mixed Reef
1xAI Prime 16, 1xAI Hydra 32
Nero5, SDC 3.0 2x VGA nozzles, crap skimmer inside diy wavebox, 4 pump doser.
Pod hotel now houses 2x engineer goby's (look by the gsp lower right of tank), and sometimes the Anthias. 4x chromis, tomato clown, tomini, CCB, bengai, 6line and sprinter.
Had to build this mud room cabinetry for the wife in exchange for the tank. Still some work to go, mount lights below upper cabinets and clear up wires.
10g waterbox nano
1x AI Blade Grow
1x Jebao pump
2026 the 200g sitting in the garage will go in the basement and both tanks contents will go into the 200g tank, of course, after I renovate the basement in exchange for the 200g tank