The desjardini tang got released after five days in its acclimation box which was too early. I thought I saw no aggression anymore from the yellow and purple tang who had been the only ones paying any attention. But when I released him midday so I could see the behavior and try and intervene if necessary, they began to literally rip the desjardini a new one and the poor guys sail got split in two vertically while I watched helplessly. I couldn’t actually catch any of the tangs even though they fought in the corners because they’d all scatter like I was the cops and they were teenagers drinking beer every time I dipped the net in the tank. Now, luckily, the desjardini found a peaceful hiding spot above a gyre pump and harassment sharply dropped off on day one when he did that. Now it’s been four days and every day they are less and less aggressive. They rarely go take swipes at it up in the gyre hiding spot anymore and it occasionally even goes on forays through the tank and even swims along the front pane with the other tangs and butterflies sometimes. Meanwhile a friend of mine is ordering yellow filament for his 3D printer to print me some yellow tang decoys! Yes! It’s a thing! Google it. I can’t believe it but some guys at the Humblefish forum suggested them to me.
Meanwhile my regal and copperband butterfly are being a pain. I set up a camera on them so I can watch them all the time and the CBB seems to feed when no one is there much more or at least it feeds in the part of the day where we happen to be gone. It’s eating blackworms poking out of the egg crate. I really think the egg crate is a real cheater tool for feeding him as it’s like a giant rock wall with worms sticking out of it. The regal I have never seen take a bite at anything substantial but have definitely seen him a handful of times nip at something. I’ve offered live clams, angelfish frozen food, rocks from my sump covered in sponges (this seemed to elicit something from watching on the camera and I saw him eat a pineapple sponge up close once), mysis which seemed to work if I worked them into the vermetid snails on the rocks, krill, live baby brine shrimp, chopped clams, blood worms, formula one frozen food, nori, and herbivore pellet food. I have in the fridge to try today from the seafood market: Market squid (local from monterey of course , more live clams, small shrimp, and sea scallops. I’m doing daily large to full water changes on their 20g QT to keep the water pristine which I’m sure is stressing them out some but I’ve heard pristine water is important for the regal and I noticed a correlation between the water cleanliness and the CBBs relaxation level. As the water gets dirtier every evening he gets stressed and pane surfs.
Long post but I’m working as a fish doctor part time is the moral of the story.
Meanwhile my regal and copperband butterfly are being a pain. I set up a camera on them so I can watch them all the time and the CBB seems to feed when no one is there much more or at least it feeds in the part of the day where we happen to be gone. It’s eating blackworms poking out of the egg crate. I really think the egg crate is a real cheater tool for feeding him as it’s like a giant rock wall with worms sticking out of it. The regal I have never seen take a bite at anything substantial but have definitely seen him a handful of times nip at something. I’ve offered live clams, angelfish frozen food, rocks from my sump covered in sponges (this seemed to elicit something from watching on the camera and I saw him eat a pineapple sponge up close once), mysis which seemed to work if I worked them into the vermetid snails on the rocks, krill, live baby brine shrimp, chopped clams, blood worms, formula one frozen food, nori, and herbivore pellet food. I have in the fridge to try today from the seafood market: Market squid (local from monterey of course , more live clams, small shrimp, and sea scallops. I’m doing daily large to full water changes on their 20g QT to keep the water pristine which I’m sure is stressing them out some but I’ve heard pristine water is important for the regal and I noticed a correlation between the water cleanliness and the CBBs relaxation level. As the water gets dirtier every evening he gets stressed and pane surfs.
Long post but I’m working as a fish doctor part time is the moral of the story.