A True Unit...180 gallon Aqua Japan


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Aug 7, 2018
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Hi guys,
Well here goes my first venture into the large format tank. I have always been an aio person but i have always loved the larger fish i could never keep in a tank that small. Go back to last October and i bought a used reefer 250 from my lfs that was too good of a deal to pass up. After a few months i realized i still couldn’t have quite the fish load i wanted, i disliked my aqua scape, and i hated the small format sump everything was so cramped together. I threw a couple frags in the tank and really only one random torch thrived because i was more interested in my two nano tanks. Now full circle i found these aqua Japan tanks at an LFS in az and thought the price is too good to be true for a 180 gallon tank, stand, and sump. I decided to can my reefer 250 and go all in on this bad boy. I’ve never started a build thread from scratch so I’m looking forward to truly documenting my journey with this tank.
Tank Dimensions: 72x24x24 rimless with a euro brace
Sump: I’m going to stick with the stock sump for now until i feel that my reefing skill has out performed the sump rather then go all out for some fancy sump i honestly have no clue how to take advantage of.
Equipment List:
4 Hydra 32
1 jebao cross flow 70 i had never used in the reefer 250
1 jebao cross flow 150
Simplicity 2100 return pump
2 300w jaeger heaters
80lbs carib sea live sand
135lbs of reef saver spread between the scape and refugium area
1 Amazon brand bio brick for sump

Livestock rom transfer tank:
2 orange storm clowns
1 yellow corris wrasse
1 blue hippo tang
1 Bengai cardinal
1 cow fish
1 fire shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 tiger conch
1 red starfish
X various clean up crew

Tank got wet 4/15/21
What size are the bulkheads for that tank

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