This isn't from brightwell so no lines have landed, you're wrong in your assumptions as a lot of salesmen tend to be. Brightwell don't even suggest daily dosing!!Wow.
I'm in sales.
These products are a dream.
Look at this marketing connection....
I know people that would KILL to have their lines land like that. Did this come straight off the bottle?
You should probably buy another one just incase. Maybe there's a buy 1 get one 50% off somewhere.
Seriously. Stop putting bottles of crap in your tank.
I started dosing bacteria due several threads on this forum including tank of the month winners showing amazing results and putting it down to bacteria dosing. I liked the logic and the results people were getting so decided to try it while the tank is maturing.
Just because someone is using different methods that may or may not be fruitful be careful to assume you know best and make hilarious 50% off jokes, it may back fire.