I currently have 16 fish in a 180 g tank, including 2 wrasses, a shoal of 7 lyretail anthias, swissquard basslet, and Fridmani dottyback (think torpedos). Plenty of hiding places. No bullies in the tank. Yellow tang (only tang) is tank boss. I do not have covers on the tank and have had no jumpers, but I understand that could change.Hello my LFS is delivering my aquarium next week, it's an Innovative Marine 100 gallon ext. My LFS is also bringing the water at the same time. I'm planning on using Dr Tims and ammonia for aquariums to cycle it. Also after it's delivered i plan on ordering a lid from Kraken lids. My thought is, if the aquarium is cycled before the lid arrives is there a good way to keep the cycle going? Are there any fish that are basically incapable of jumping out or should I just put food in the tank each day? I know that IM aquariums come with a lid but I don't think it will fit with the lights attached to the glass. Thanks for any suggestions!