hey guys i’m looking to start reefing that last couple months i have been doing some reasearch and have been trying to find what will fit best for me. little bit about me so it might answer questions you have, I have 30+ reptiles and definitely plan on getting more lol so i am sorta limited on room can’t do anything crazy! so im just looking to start up a 20g long or a 40g breeder with a hob filter and hoping i can hear some of yall suggestions and other tips yall might have for reefing! reason i am going with the hob/20g or 40g im looking to start smaller because i don't have the most space as stated above my room is filled with animals already! but ive always loved coral and have been really wanting to start a tank now i dont plan on doing anything till i get everything i think ill need and i get it fully cycled. but ill put a list down below also if you have any other advice let me know. thankyou guys for reading.
20g long or 40g breeder whatever tanks petco sells for there 50% sale
seachem tidal 75 hob filter
titanium brs heater
wills or kessil a 80 light
and i would love to hear some suggestions on hob skimmers and some power head/wave makes and maybe a thermometer thankyou guys again for ranking the time to read this!!!
20g long or 40g breeder whatever tanks petco sells for there 50% sale
seachem tidal 75 hob filter
titanium brs heater
wills or kessil a 80 light
and i would love to hear some suggestions on hob skimmers and some power head/wave makes and maybe a thermometer thankyou guys again for ranking the time to read this!!!