66g reef with rr sump so ~50gDT. Going for 8.5 months, 3" sandbed ( caribsea arag-alive), no corals fish : 1-Rainford's goby, 1-McCoskers wrasse, 2 red blood shrimp, 5 nassarius, 3 cerith, 4 trochus, 4 astrea snails. I'm in my diatom phase. What other snails & how many more to help with the diatoms. The snails I have now mostly stay on rockwork, except for the nassarius & cerith - their in sandbed but don't eat diatoms. Ph ~7.9 ; alk ~9.1, Ca ~400, NH3~0, NO2 ~0 ; NO3 ~3-4ppm ; PO4 ~0.02. Recently added a reactor with gfo (phosban)/carbon (seachem); + uv sterilzer 10w. Skimmer - Aquamaxx HO 1.5 hooked up to CO2 scrubber.