How many of you would recommend BRStv 52 weeks of reefing series for a completely green hobbyist? I am new to the hobby but seasoned in fresh water planted and non planted tanks. I decided to jump the fence and get into the saltwater side of things. I searched YouTube and found BRStv; which is how I ended up here. I went to a aquarium design store last weekend and was told that I am wasting my time watching that channel for education. I was told those are just influencers trying to sell their products. I feel like it’s helping me but am I going about it the wrong way? I don’t want to learn as I go; recovering from all the mistakes made like I did on the freshwater side. I want to set this tank up right from the beginning. Am I wasting my time watching that series? Are they right? Is there something better to learn from? Published book maybe?