I just added my first coral frags to my tank yesterday. A couple small zoas and some gsp I glued to plastic wall of my aio “sump”. Within a couple hours I noticed my 2 clowns were swimming a bit flashy when not huddled up in the back corner of the tank and every couple minutes they swim up to the surface and get air. I have both my return rfg’s pointing at the surface and making plenty agitation, and I have 2 wave makers that are going as well. I did also see a stringy white poop once for each of them, and one of them seems to be rubbing up against the plastic wall near where the aio intakes are. I will say o think I’ve been overfeeding them because they are little pigs and will keep eating as long as I feed them it seems. I don’t see any sign of anything externally on either of them. I took a few pics with all lights at 100% that I’m going to try to attach. I got some Prazipro today after doing some research and reading it could be internal parasites. I don’t currently have a QT tank, so lesson learned there and I will be getting one in the next few days but I went ahead and dosed the Prazipro in my main tank this afternoon since it said it’s reef safe. Corals closed for an hour or so but reopened and seem fine. Any thoughts on what this could be and what treatments plan I should do. The only other fish I have is a royal gramma that seems fine. The clowns didn’t eat well today, but I think they were stressed from me trying to take pictures. Could this all be just due to stress from corals being added and lights on for more than an hour at a time? Sorry. I know this is all rookie mistakes and I’m learning some valuable lessons the hard way. Thanks for the help. Water parameters have been great with the exception of elevated phosphates (0.33). 0 ammonia and nitrite. 7.5 nitrate, PH 8.1, salinity 1.026, cal 420, mag 1350, alk 8.3. The pics are as clear as I could get. These little guys are quick and don’t stop to pose.