Yes this is correct with my calculations too.Thanks very much. I had an extra dilution step.
What you wrote is correct.
The last sentence of what I wrote is wrong.
It works if we change my recipe to read as:
Dissolve 1 gram in 1000 mL (grams) fresh water. Manganese = 280 ppm.
Take 1 mL (1 g) of that mix and dissolve in 100 mL of fresh water. Mn = 2.8 ppm (=2800 ug/L).
Add 13.5 mL of that to 100 gallons of tank water. Conc boost to tank = 0.1 ug/L Mn.
Thanks for confirming. As I’m rather bad in math and chem especially it got me confused and put a lot of uncertainty in my own calculations .
Good to know I was also right