Your entire premise assumes that when a successful reefers say, "Don't follow what I do," they’re intentionally setting viewers or readers up for failure. Maybe that’s not the case.
What’s important to consider is the current climate of our hobby. Much of what is promoted as the "best approach" is driven by marketing, designed to make you spend more money and overcomplicate your journey. These days, very little is black and white, largely due to misinformation surrounding marketing.
You hear "Don't dose trace elements" and assume, "Why does he want me to fail?" Instead, you might consider, "Dosing individual trace elements is largely unnecessary for success." In fact, you could go further and say that trace element dosing is more about fine-tuning an already successful reef tank and reserved for later on in your journey. You wouldn’t build the roof of a house before laying the foundation.
There’s a lot of nuance that might be overlooked or left unexplained in a video. The assumption that coral loss is due to a trace element deficiency is a stretch. Similarly, warning against dosing trace elements in a new tank could prevent a new reefer a lot of heartache.
Speaking for myself (not Marc), if someone were to start dosing individual trace elements, their tank would need to be consuming more trace elements than what is already replenished through water changes, food, and other sources. I’d go so far as to say that dosing early in a reef tank’s development has little benefit, and those resources could be better allocated elsewhere.
I occasionally send in water samples for ICP testing, and from firsthand experience, I can tell you that having trace elements at recommended levels doesn’t necessarily equate to a healthy reef. I would say my tank is healthy even though trace elements are no where near the recommendations. It might enhance coral coloration slightly, but that doesn’t mean everyone needs to chase perfect trace levels.
I do understand that your post is broad. One key takeaway is that relying solely on videos to build a knowledge foundation is like, (to borrow from the bible), building your foundation on sand. Videos are primarily created for entertainment, often monetized and/or self agrandizing for the creator. Information is presented in fragments rather than as a clear roadmap for success. The disclaimer, "Do as I say, not as I do," is a valuable one to heed.
Perhaps your expectation is that these videos should be purely educational when, in reality, they should be viewed as entertainment rather than a foolproof guide. Is Marc protecting his reputation by ensuring he doesn’t lead the least experienced viewer astray? Maybe. Who knows?
What’s important to consider is the current climate of our hobby. Much of what is promoted as the "best approach" is driven by marketing, designed to make you spend more money and overcomplicate your journey. These days, very little is black and white, largely due to misinformation surrounding marketing.
You hear "Don't dose trace elements" and assume, "Why does he want me to fail?" Instead, you might consider, "Dosing individual trace elements is largely unnecessary for success." In fact, you could go further and say that trace element dosing is more about fine-tuning an already successful reef tank and reserved for later on in your journey. You wouldn’t build the roof of a house before laying the foundation.
There’s a lot of nuance that might be overlooked or left unexplained in a video. The assumption that coral loss is due to a trace element deficiency is a stretch. Similarly, warning against dosing trace elements in a new tank could prevent a new reefer a lot of heartache.
Speaking for myself (not Marc), if someone were to start dosing individual trace elements, their tank would need to be consuming more trace elements than what is already replenished through water changes, food, and other sources. I’d go so far as to say that dosing early in a reef tank’s development has little benefit, and those resources could be better allocated elsewhere.
I occasionally send in water samples for ICP testing, and from firsthand experience, I can tell you that having trace elements at recommended levels doesn’t necessarily equate to a healthy reef. I would say my tank is healthy even though trace elements are no where near the recommendations. It might enhance coral coloration slightly, but that doesn’t mean everyone needs to chase perfect trace levels.
I do understand that your post is broad. One key takeaway is that relying solely on videos to build a knowledge foundation is like, (to borrow from the bible), building your foundation on sand. Videos are primarily created for entertainment, often monetized and/or self agrandizing for the creator. Information is presented in fragments rather than as a clear roadmap for success. The disclaimer, "Do as I say, not as I do," is a valuable one to heed.
Perhaps your expectation is that these videos should be purely educational when, in reality, they should be viewed as entertainment rather than a foolproof guide. Is Marc protecting his reputation by ensuring he doesn’t lead the least experienced viewer astray? Maybe. Who knows?