I turned my lights off for the day but I believe he may be super stressed from me/the light and everyone else. He hid immediately which is to be expected but he’s been on the surface kind of bobbing up and down breathing kind of heavy and keeps sticking his mouth out of the water? I lost power briefly which didn’t help but the water is well oxygenated and either he acclimated poorly or he’s just stresssed? But in my defense I have acclimated many fish and done the same thing ans acclimated for over an hour. But maybe he will get used to his new home and is just taking a bit I’m sure I’m he’s stressed although I did see him eating at least I think he was. Anyone else notice this when first introducing a fairy wrasse? Seems like odd behavior/have never seen it. He’s not belly up which is good and he was hiding before also Hewbie is intimidating to him then again Hewbie imitates everyone before they realize Hewbie won’t eat them lol.