Hello! I have a problem with several corals in my tank. The tank is 4 years old. 2 lights under - 26HD and flow is two Nero 5. I have a sneaky suspicion one of my fish is nipping them. They don't look like they're dying, just irritated. Levels and fish below. I've seen my Damsel nip SPS and zoas so I'm thinking that's the one! I also saw my clowns nip the gonis when they were by a corner of the tank they hosted so I moved them. After this move, the gonis were thriving but a week later one of them is complety closed. The corals that are closed up are a leather, frog spawn, and goni. The leather has been closed for a month now, the frogspawn about three weeks and the goni is a week. Wondering if I should dip them OR take the damsel out? You can see the Wheeping Willow, 2nd goni, and 2nd frogsoawn are thriving in the last picture. Also have a handful of zoas and birds nest that are doing well which makes me think its a fish. Any and all help is much appreciated!
Purple Tang
2 ocelus clowns
Royal Gramma
Azure Damsel
90 gallon
20 gallon sump
Nitrate - 9.4
Phosphate - 0.04
Alk - 8.6
Mag - 1330
Calcium - 430
Salinity - .026
Purple Tang
2 ocelus clowns
Royal Gramma
Azure Damsel
90 gallon
20 gallon sump
Nitrate - 9.4
Phosphate - 0.04
Alk - 8.6
Mag - 1330
Calcium - 430
Salinity - .026