Help me understand nutrients tank is currently 2 years old. I have a 40br with about 10 gals inside my sump. I run 2 50 micro filter socks and a 100micron I change all 3 every week. I do a 10% waterchange every Sunday and a 20% on the 4th Sunday. I have a refugium with chaeto as well as a oversized skimmer that does a good job. I have no issues keeping the main parameters stable alk mg and cal. But I have a hard time keeping my nitrates and phosphates stable. Currently my nitrates are about 4.3ish but my phosphates are .13. I get large fluctuations over the course of a few weeks in my phosphates and nitrates. When my chaeto is really growing it will bottom them out. I tear off some chaeto and it will shoot back up.but I want to understand the stability part of it because I feel like stability means staying inside a certain number. Also with phosphates I want to run a gfo reactor. But I am unsure how to get stability out of it. Do you guys run yours for a period of time and shut it off? I can grow coral pretty good. Monti cap digitata zoas platygyra acans no problem. But I want to get into some acro. I've bought tons over the years. None have survived.